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Department of Geography

Master's thesis and exam

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Completion time and scope

  GEO 511 / ESS 511 GEO 510 / ESS 510*
Scope of thesis 30 ECTS 60 ECTS
Period for completion* 6 - 12 months 12 - 18 months

*A 60 ECTS credits thesis is meant to be more research oriented than a 30 ECTS credits thesis and is recommended for students willing to publish a scientific paper based on their thesis. Furthermore, it is a
good option for students who consider doing a PhD after their master studies.

Booking period for Master's Thesis

From autumn semester 2024, the Master's thesis can be started every month. The booking period is therefore in the respective month and the start date falls on the first day of that month.

Example for the Start and Booking Period:

Starting date Booking Period
01.08. 01.08.-31.08.
01.09. 01.09.-30.09.
01.10. 01.10.-31.10.
... ...

A detailed timetable can be found here.

Selection of topic and supervisor

The Master’s Candidate chooses an available topic or proposes a self-selected topic to a supervisor (who is internal or external to the department) on their own initiative. The different units offer topics on their webpages. A list of all research groups and their topics as well as ongoing and completed master's thesis can be found here.

In addition to the supervisor, either a faculty member or another person with the "Promotionsrecht" is required. A list of the people meeting this criterion can be found here.

Weiterführende Informationen

Master's thesis topics, ongoing and completed Master's thesis

More about Master's thesis topics, ongoing and completed Master's thesis

Faculty Members with "Promotionsrecht" as supervisors

More about Faculty Members with "Promotionsrecht" as supervisors

Start of the Master thesis

To start the Master’s thesis, the agreement must be filled in and the draft concept (2-3 / 4-6 pages) of the agreed topic uploaded on Lean Gate.

Once the Master’s agreement has been accepted by the supervisor and the respective person with the "Promotionsrecht" on Lean Gate, it is automatically assigned and does not need a genuine signature.

In addition, the module GEO 511, ESS 511, GEO 510, or ESS 510 (Master’s thesis) must be booked on the module booking tool of UZH. If the Master’s thesis is started before the next possible starting date, the prior starting date applies. This module includes, beside the Master’s thesis, the regular attendance of the colloquium of the relevant research group.

An overview over all the important dates is provided in a timetable. We recommend to discuss the time management with the supervisor.

Workflow for the process of writing a Master's thesis


Statistical Consulting

The Applied Statistics group offers statistical consulting for MNF students writing their data based bachelor or master theses:Informationsheet (PDF, 55 KB)

Please sign up here


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