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Department of Geography

Lives, Goods and Technologies in a Mobile World

Mobility, in many different manifestations, is both a driver and an outcome of globalization. Our increasingly digital society can create opportunities, but it also reinforces inequalities. Technologies aid us in everyday tasks and allow us to track and intervene in flows of people, goods and information.  

Through a wide range of methods ranging from qualitative field research in conflict regions, through human and animal tracking to controlled laboratory experiments, we develop theories and contribute to better understandings of mobility and its practices. Our research is influential as scholarship and a direct contribution to policy making.

  • Empirical evaluation of visuo-spatial displays <br/> (Picture: S. Fabrikant)

  • Harvesters in Los Angeles, USA <br/> (Picture: C. Berndt)

  • The window into the virtual world <br/> (Picture: S. Credé)

  • Unaccompanied minor asylum seekers <br/> (Picture: B. Bitzi)

  • Visualization of one week aviation traffic arriving at Zurich airport <br/> (Picture: H. Janetzko)

  • Didactic elements to explain the system of illegal labour intermediation in the Italian tomato business (Picture: T. Raeymakers)

Weiterführende Informationen

In this cluster we address questions such as ...

How do digital navigation systems influence our behavior? 

How do global commodity chains work? 

How can we deduce collective behavior from individual movement data?

How do education and migration shape young people's lives? 

How can mobile technologies help in monitoring natural hazards?

How are politics and space related in processes of globalization? 

How do migration and gender shape transnational job markets?