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Department of Geography

Core elective modules MSc in Geography

Last updated: 07.08.2024

The core elective modules can be selected from the following modules (a total of at least 30 ECTS). It is possible to obtain a Master's degree in General Geography or with an emphasis on one of the four Thematic Subject Areas. The conditions for the choice of core elective modules depends on the chosen Master's program. For further details, check the Guidelines Master in Geography and the Course Catalogue of UZH.

Physical Geography

Module ID Title Language ECTS Term
GEO 411 Field studies on high mountain processes English 6 Spring
GEO 417 Environmental archives and age determination English 6 Spring / Fall
GEO 463 Soil Science I English 6 Fall
GEO 471 Hydrological field measurements and calculations English 6 Spring
GEO 475 Hydrological Modelling and Programming English 6 Fall
GEO 815

Quantification and modelling of the Cryosphere: dynamic processes

German / English 3 Fall
GEO 820

Stable isotopes in ecology and soil science

English 3 Spring
GEO 851

Glacier Mass Balance Measurements and Analysis – from local observations to global assessments

English 3 Fall
GEO 856

The high-mountain cryosphere: processes and risks

German / English 3


GEO 857

Snow and Avalanches: Processes and Risk Management

German / English 3 Spring
ESS 841 Analyzing the plant-soil system - Lecture English 3 Fall
ESS 842 Analyzing the plant-soil system - Practice English 6 Spring

Human Geography

Module ID Title Language ECTS Term
GEO 421 Development Studies English 6 Fall
GEO 422 Qualitative Methodologies and Methods in Human Geography English 6 Spring
GEO 423 Political Geography English 6


GEO 425 Political Ecology English 6 Spring
GEO 432 Gender, Work and Space English 6 Fall
GEO 433 Global Economic Geographies of Agriculture and Food Systems English 6 Spring
GEO 835 Geography of Sustainability Transitions English 3 Spring
GEO 837 Regional Environmental Governance German / English 3 Fall
GEO 838 Self-organised Seminar German / English 3 Spring
GEO 846 Spatial Theory Lab German 6 Fall/Spring
GEO 887 Agroecology and Food Systems German / English 6 Fall

Remote Sensing

Module ID Title Language ECTS Term
GEO 441 Remote Sensing A: Seminar English 6 Spring
GEO 442 Specialization in Remote Sensing: Spectroscopy of the Earth System English 6 Fall
GEO 443 Specialization in Remote Sensing: SAR and LIDAR English 6 Fall

GIScience and Systems

Module ID Title Language ECTS Term
GEO 454 Geovisualisation English 6 Spring
GEO 871 Retrieving Geographic Information English 3 Fall
GEO 872 Advanced Spatial Analysis I English 3 Fall
GEO 873 Cognitive Issues in GIScience English 3 Fall
GEO 874 Introduction to Databases English 3 Fall
GEO 875 Spatial Databases English 3 Fall
GEO 876 Introduction to Programming for Spatial Problems English 3 Spring
GEO 877 Spatial Algorithms English 3 Spring
GEO 879 Societal Issues in GIScience English 3 Fall
GEO 880 Computational Movement Analysis English 3


GEO 885 GIScience Project English 3 Spring
GEO 888 GIS for Environmental Monitoring English 3 Spring