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Department of Geography

  • Air Miles Group of the Department of Geography

    UZH Team Effort Award for the GIUZ Air Miles Group

  • Image: Primo Flood

    High altitude dilemmas: Reducing air travel emissions in academia

  • Local Food at Irchel

    Bringing colour into the winter: The Food Hub at Irchel

  • Foodhub_2023

    Fresh and local produce from Biogarten Lieli delivered to Irchel Campus!

  • »erschreckend schöne Aussichten»: Ausstellung Campus Irchel

    Erschreckend schöne Bilder

  • Imagine we are in the year 2030 ...

    Imagine we are in the year 2030 and we have reduced our flight emissions to less than 53% compared to 2018.


To strengthen our role in fostering sustainable practices and collaborating with the public, the GIUZ officially implemented a Sustainability Task Force that is active in several areas and working groups.

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GIUZ Sustainability Newsflash

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