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Department of Geography

Committees and bodies


The Board of Directors is the executive board of the Department. The board  oversees the activities of the Department and takes decisions with respect to organizational, personnel, teaching and infrastructure issues.


Head of Department


Head of Department, Head of Teaching, Head of Infrastructure, Managing Director, Teaching Director, Communications Officer; Link

Lifetime of delegates

The professorial staff of the Board is appointed for 2 years, recently in August 2020. 


roughly monthly, on Thursdays, 14.30-16h  


The Professorium is the body of professors of the Department. The members discuss strategic questions and the Direktion informs about decisions taken by the Direktion/Faculty/University.


Head of Department


All Professors of the Department, Managing Director

Lifetime of delegates



Three times per semester, on Thursdays, 14.30-15.30h (preceding the Faculty Assembly)

Institutsversammlung (InVers)

The InVers is the decision taking body on major changes and strategic issues concering the organizational and teaching issues. The members take decisions on strategic issues and the chair informs about news/changes and decisions taken by the Department/Faculty/University.


Head of Department


Faculty members of the Department, delegates of the representative bodies; in advisory capacity: delegates of the professorships and groups represented in "Professorium", Managing director, Teaching director,  permanent guests: Coordinator Division V Geoscience, Student Advisory Board, Communications Officer

Lifetime of delegates



Twice a semester, on Thursdays, 14.30-15.30

Mitarbeitendenversammlung (MAV)

The MAV is a mandatory get together for all staff members at the Department. The Board of Directors informs about ongoings in and around the department incl. staff changes; selected senior staff members hold research talks


Head of Department


Department staff

Lifetime of delegates



Once a semester, on Thursdays, 14-15:30

Ausschuss Lehre

The Teaching Committee elaborates solutions for an optimized curriculum and takes decisions on organizational issues regarding studying and teaching. The committee discusses strategic questions regarding the curriculum, course and exam planning and takes decisions on admissions to Master's programs

Project wiki (close user group)


Teaching Director


Head of Teaching, Teaching Director, Geoscience Coordinator, Study Advisory Board, Working group exam organization, Communications Officer and Delegates of the core disciplines, the Teacher Training Unit, the Earth System Science study program and the students

Lifetime of delegates



Three times per semester, on Thursdays, 14-16h

Koordinationssitzung Institutsdienste

Defines and improves operational processes and procedures uniformly in the Department.


Head of Infrastructure 


Thematic secretariat leader, delegates of secretary staff per thematic area, Managing Director, delegate of institute's secretariat, Teaching Director, delegate of library, IT delegate, Communications Officer, delegate of the Sustainability Task Force

Lifetime of delegates



Three times per semester, Thursdays, 08.45-09.45

Sustainability Task Force

The Sustainability Task Force develops and implements measures to improve sustainability at GIUZ and advises the Executive Board on sustainability issues. It cooperates with other sustainability bodies, e.g. at MNF and UZH level.

More information

Group Leader Commission

The Group Leader Commission evaluates applications for group leader status and makes final decisions on the appointment of new group leaders. All four thematic areas are represented.

Sara I. Fabrikant (GIScience)
Karin Schwiter (HG+)
Michael Schmidt (Phys)
Meredith Schuman (RSL)

Confidential advice

Is a tricky situation at GIUZ getting you all tied up in knots? There are several points of contact where you can get help.

More information

IT Fokus Gruppe

Assures the communication flow from and to the divisions, exchange and feedback on IT issues


Head of Infrastructure


Leading IT Manager, Managing Director, Communications Officer, one groupleader of each unit, student delegate

Lifetime of delegates



Once a semester, on Thursdays, 11-12h

Graduate School, Scientific Advisory Board

Provides input on all matters relating to the curriculum and running of the Graduate School.


Director of the Graduate School


One Professor and one PhD student from each of the three core disciplines within the department. Graduate School

Lifetime of delegates



Once a semester

Fachbereich V Geoscience

Norman Backhaus (Head of Teaching), Nicolas Beglinger (Students), Andrea Bringolf (Students), Harald Bugmann (ETH-USYS), Alexander Damm (Head of Infrastructure), Andreas Fichtner (ETH-ERDW), Michael Hautmann (PIM), Hanna Joos (ETH-USYS), Thomy Keller (ATP), Karin Mellini (ETH-ERDW), Philippe Meuret (FB5), Martin Lüthy (FFL), Dario Püntener (WNW), Maria Santos (GIUZ ESS), Gabriela Schaepman-Strub (UWW), Jan Seibert (Head of Department), Robert Weibel (GIUZ GEO)

Science Faculty (MNF)

Faculty Board (Fakultätsausschuss) Prof. Jan Seibert
Committee for Student Affairs (Studienkommission) Prof. Norman Backhaus, Philippe Meuret
Committee for the Promotion of Research and Young Academics (Kommission für Forschung und Nachwuchsförderung) Prof. Robert Weibel, Prof. Hanna Hilbrandt
Communications Committee (Kommission Kommunikation) Prof. Andreas Vieli
Gender Equality Committee (Gleichstellungskommission) Prof. Ross Purves
Committee for Integrity (Lauterkeitskommission) Prof. Robert Weibel
Sustainability Committee (Kommission Nachhaltigkeit) Prof. Maria J. Santos, Dr. Annina Michel

MOOC Commission

Prof. Jan Seibert


Weiterbildungskommission Prof. Jan Seibert
Digital Society Initiative Prof. Sara I. Fabrikant
Kommission UZH interdisziplinär Prof. Sara I. Fabrikant

University of Zurich Ethics Commission

Prof. Sara I. Fabrikant
Center for Reproducible Science, Steering Committee Prof. Meredith Schuman
UZH Sustainability Commission Dr. Magdalena Seebauer (Representative of Administrative and Technical Staff)

Further commissions and bodies

GIUZ is associate member of the Departement of Earth Sciences ETHZ

Prof. Jan Seibert                                                                    
Fachkonferenzgruppe UZH - PHZH (Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich) Prof. Christian Berndt, Dr. Sara Landolt
Koordinationsgruppe UZH - PHZH (Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich) Dr. Sara Landolt
Kontaktgruppe GIUZ -  IfE (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften, Abteilung Lehrerbildung Maturitätsschulen) Dr. Itta Bauer, Dr. Sara Landolt
HSGYM-Kerngruppe (Schnittstelle Hochschule-Gymnasien) Dr. Itta Bauer, Dr. Sara Landolt
VGD-CH (Verband Geographiedidaktik Schweiz) Dr. Itta Bauer, Dr. Sara Landolt
Kommission Gymnasium-Universität (KGU) Dr. Itta Bauer
SNF Doc und Postdoc Mobility, Natural Sciences Prof. Sara I. Fabrikant