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Department of Geography

Activity Report 2023

In 2023, the GIUZ Sustainability Task Force has completed the following activities:


Presentation of the Sustainability Task Force and its activities at the staff meetings (Mitarbeitenden­versammlung, MAV)
Participation in the MNF Sustainability Committee through Annina Michel and Maria J. Santos and in the UZH Sustainability Commission through Magdalena Seebauer.

Air miles

Monitoring: Collection of air miles through secretariats and publication of GIUZ Air Miles Report for 2022 
Reduction: MSc thesis Rocco Bagutti: Academic air travel at UZH's Department of Geography: Assessing the willingness and reduction potential of voluntary reduction measures. 

Department life

Maintenance of the Organic Food Hub at Irchel Campus  and gain of additional subscribers through a new communication campaign


Several posts in the GIUZ Blog, many of them were also further featured through the UZH Sustainability Newsletter.
Continuation of GIUZ Sustainability Newsflash (sent out approx. twice per semester).
Maintaining and updating the Sustainability@GIUZ website

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Coordinating Team

Christiane Meyer-Habighorst, Magdalena Seebauer

Former spokespersons and members of the coordinating team:
Ephraim Pörtner, Timothy Raeymaekers, Annina Michel, Roger Keller