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Department of Geography


New Specialized Master "Global Futures: Development, Sustainability, Social Justice"

Master Global Futures

A new interdisciplinary master program equips students with the skills to analyze, understand and articulate the complexities and interdependencies of contemporary global challenges. Students will learn how these global challenges impact local life worlds, examine the underlying drivers of inequality, conflict and ecological transformation, critically assess the effects of policy interventions, and discuss possible pathways toward more sustainable futures.

Together with Social Anthropology (ISEK) as leading house and the Asia Orient Institute, GIUZ is starting this exciting new specialized master program in fall semester 2025. 

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How does an education in Geography and Earth System Science matter for sustainability?

Sustainability comes in many forms of our daily lives, but also reflected on our professions and behaviors as professionals. The curricula we offer at GIUZ are well suited to prepare you to contribute to the major sustainability challenges of our times.

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Sustainability as a theme in GEO and ESS modules

Sustainability as a theme is present in a large number of GEO and ESS modules. We are currently working on how to make this visible.

Green VVZ: teaching modules addressing sustainability

Each semester, UZH offers well over 50 teaching modules covering aspects of sustainable development. The «Green VVZ» is a search filter that dynamically generates a list of these modules.

Green VVZ

Sustainability and teaching at UZH

UZH offers a broad range of courses addressing aspects of sustainable development. 

Sustainability and teaching at UZH

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