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Department of Geography

Frequently asked Questions

This information is based on the Guidelines for the Study Program in Geography / Earth System Science, Master of Science, and the Program Regulations of the Bachelor's and Master's Program of the Faculty of Science. It covers the modules GEO511/ESS511, GEO510/ESS510, GEO512/ESS512.

How many ECTS credits are awarded for a Master's thesis?  

The default for a Master's thesis at GIUZ is 30 ECTS, 60 ECTS is an exception that is not supported by all units. 

How much time do I have for my Master's thesis?  

Minimum 6 months, maximum 12 months (12 months and 18 months for a 60 ECTS thesis).

How do I find a topic?  

The different units offer topics on their webpages, and you can also approach potential supervisors (internal or external) with your own ideas and discuss them.

Who can supervise my Master's thesis?  

A GIUZ professor or group leader with promotion right is required to sign the application and conduct the exam. In addition, other (internal or external) researchers (postdocs, PhDs etc.) can be your (main) supervisors. For a 60 ECTS thesis, at least two supervisors need to be GIUZ members.

How do I start my Master's thesis?  

Once you have agreed on a topic, you write a concept (2-3 resp. 4-6 pages), discuss it with your supervisor(s), and upload it to Lean Gate (for 60 ECTS the concept additionally needs to be shared with Your supervisor(s) digitally sign your application. In addition, the module GEO 511, ESS 511, GEO 510, or ESS 510 (Master’s thesis) must be booked on the module booking tool of UZH (please check the time table.

In what languages can I write my Master's thesis?  

You can write your 30 ECTS thesis in German or English; French or Italian are possible with the consent of supervisor(s). An English abstract is required for all theses. 60 ECTS theses need to be written in English.

How many pages do I have to write and what citation style can I use?  

You discuss both with your supervisor(s), we recommend Harvard citation style.

How do I communicate with my supervisor(s)?  

You agree with your supervisor(s) how you want to organize meetings, data collection, vacation etc., there is no limit to the number or duration of meetings. 

How do I submit my finished Master's thesis?  

You also use Lean Gate to upload your thesis. Please check the dates on the timetable.

How do I register for the Master's exam?  

The master exam module (GEO 512 / ESS 512) is separate from the thesis and the booking period depends on the date of submission, please check timetable for booking deadlines. The exam usually takes place around 4 weeks after submission.

How does the Master's exam work?  

You present your thesis in a 20 min public oral talk (with 10 min questions) and defend it in a disputation (30 min). The latter is not public, your supervisor(s) and another person from GIUZ (from a different thematic field) are talking to you about your thesis in a closed setting.

How do I get my Master's degree?  

If you have fulfilled the required number of modules of your study course, you can apply for the Master's degree immediately after the (successful) Master's exam.

Where do I get more detailed information?  

We have prepared an information sheet (PDF, 115 KB) that explains the process in more detail.