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Department of Geography

“Giving people room for creativity”

Encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration, streamlining regulations, and giving people the freedom to research: These are some of the goals Michael Schaepman hopes to achieve as new UZH President.


The geographer and current Vice President Research will take up his new position on August 1. Congratulations!

Conversation with the new President on UZH News.

Further articles (in German)
Der Fastronaut
Tagesanzeiger, 03.07.2020

Mithilfe der Raumfahrt wollte er die Umweltprobleme dieser Welt lösen. Jetzt wird Michael Schaepman neuer Rektor der Universität Zürich
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 03.07.2020

(Picture: Frank Brüderli)
