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Department of Geography

Making landscape services tangible

Differing landscape perceptions often make it difficult to facilitate constructive dialogue about the future development of our spaces for living. The concept of landscape services can offer support.


Roger Keller and Norman Backhaus from GIUZ produced together with researchers at the University of Lausanne a factsheet that introduces readers to the concept which helps to find a common language in a participatory approach.

Enable constructive landscape dialogue

Landscapes provide the physical foundation for life and simultaneously give us space for living, working, recreation, culture, and commerce. The added quality of landscapes for humans can only be fostered when landscape benefits are identified and made explicit. At present, this occurs far too rarely in spatially relevant projects. The participatory approach of ‘landscape services’ can be used to identify the functions of landscapes that contribute direct economic, social, and/or ecological benefits to individuals and wider society. In this way, landscape services provide an important basis for dialogue in the design of landscapes. The factsheet presented by the Forum Landscape, Alps, Parks (FoLAP) of the Swiss Academy of Sciences supports implementation of the Swiss Landscape Concept adopted in 2020, in addition to other political-societal initiatives.

Keller R, Clivaz M, Backhaus N, Reynard E, Lehmann P, Schüpbach U (2022) Making landscape services tangible. Swiss Academies Factsheets 17 (1)

Image: Ralph Sonderegger, Forum Landschaft, Alpen, Pärke (CC BY-SA 4.0)



Weiterführende Informationen

Forum Landschaft, Alpen, Pärke (FoLAP)

 Zyklisches Modell «Landschaftsleistungen stärken Landschaftsqualitäten»

Neuer Wikipedia-Artikel: «Landschaftsleistungen»

More about Neuer Wikipedia-Artikel: «Landschaftsleistungen»
