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Department of Geography


Today is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Exemplary for all female researchers at GIUZ and at the Faculty of Science, we posted some portraits and quotes on Twitter.


Sarah Hanus, Hydrology
"I want to contribute to a better understanding of our world, especially the importance of mountain areas for irrigation water supply."

Isabelle Gärtner, Geomorphology and Cryospheric Sciences
"As geomorphologist, I am fascinated by "reading mountain landscapes" and dive deeply into their history and their current status."

Hanna Hilbrandt, Social and Cultural Geography
"Remembering the many fights that have opened the door for me to hold a senior position in a science faculty. Let's make sure that arriving at that door is no longer a question of privilege."

Sara Lanini-Maggi, Cartography and map-psychology research
"Doing research on map design and its effect on human emotions moves me!"

Bingjie Cheng, Cognitive Neuroscience
"I am thrilled by innovative research to extend human knowledge in spatial cognition and to make the future digitalized society a better place to live."

