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Department of Geography Political Geography

Political Geography

Political geography is the study of the co-production of space and power. Our research unit is particularly interested in this dynamics at the margins of a globalizing world. We study the spatial production of political order, uneven development and governance through specific discursive practices and places in Africa, South East Asia and Europe.
The political geography unit offers courses, supervises theses at both Bachelor and Master levels, and organizes field trips. For an overview over the lectures, seminars and tutorials offered, please consult  Department of Geography / Studying and the electronic university calendar.

Weiterführende Informationen


  • “Reimagining the Frontier” Workshop at the University of Zurich

    The Political Geography Unit kicked off the Fall Semester (FS2024) with the “Reimagining the Frontier” workshop organized by Jasnea Sarma and Asebe Regassa on September 6 2024. The workshop brought scholars from interdisciplinary backgrounds, and research experiences on the evolving understanding of ‘Frontiers.’

  • Ethiopian Protest Music

    The songs of Hachalu Hundessa reveal the struggles of the Oromo people

Upcoming events

Political Geography Research Lab

Zurich Human Geography Colloquium (ZHGK)