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Department of Geography Remote Sensing Spectroscopy

Spectroscopy Laboratory

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Our mission is to further advance fundamental research in imaging spectrometry and imaging spectroscopy related to environmental analysis on local, regional and global scales. In particular, our emphasis is to improve spectroscopic data analysis in terms of enhanced calibration, multidirectionality, and (pre-)processing. Application development is supported using these techniques in view of the derivation of bio-geophysical and bio-geochemical parameters relevant for environmental analysis.

Quantitative remote sensing has gained significant importance since imaging spectrometers have become widely available. Therefore the focus of this lab is to develop new spectroscopic methods ranging from instrument design, system correction, geometric and atmospheric correction up to a variety of applications. Existing spectrometric technologies are also used to further enhance the understanding of the interaction of light between the sun, the atmosphere and the earth surface. The major goal is to quantitatively derive bio-geophysical and bio-geochemical parameters relevant for environmental monitoring.

The use of modern information technologies jointly with enhanced computational methods is a key factor as well. Higher generation programming languages in combination with strong scripting languages as well as object-relational databases form a solid basis for intensive computing requirements. Spectroscopic processing and archiving facilities are developed inhouse using these technologies.

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