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Department of Geography Remote Sensing Spectroscopy

PhD Projects

This list of ongoing and completed PhD projects gives an impression of some of the research that is carried out by our graduate students.


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PhD Theses - In Progress

Bramati, Gabriele Thermal Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (A. Damm-Reiser, K. Naegeli, A. Vieli)
Schweizer, Jan Remote Sensing of Habitat Change in the Swiss National Park.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (A. Damm-Reiser, C. Rossi, S. Wipf, C. Ginzler, M. Kneubühler)
Sierro, Luc Enhancing Water Phase Retrieval through Optimization of Calibration and Processing of AVIRIS-4 Data
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (A. Damm-Reiser, M. Kneubühler, A. Hüni, M.C. Schuman)
Meiller, Carmen New and Refined Approaches to High Fidelity Spectroradiometer Calibration, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.J. Santos, A. Hueni, M.E. Schaepman, R. Furrer, R. Green (JPL))


Meyer, Adrian Advancing Remote Sensing based Machine Learning for Land Use Classification and Wildlife Habitat Mapping.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (A. Damm-Reiser, R. Furrer, D. Jordan, M. Kneubühler)


Helfenstein, Isabelle Biodiversity from Space.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.C. Schuman, F. Morsdorf, A. Damm-Reiser, M.E. Schaepman)
Safaraliyeva, Nargiz Multi-temporal assessment of functional diversity using remote sensing data.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.J. Santos, M. Kneubühler, , M.C. Schuman, M.E. Schaepman, A.K. Schweiger)
Trim, Simon Uncertainty in land-based and airborne spectroscopy.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.C. Schuman, A. Hueni, F. Canelli, M.E. Schaepman)

PhD Theses - Completed


Vögtli, Marius Data processing considerations for biodiversity products retrieval from airborne imaging spectroscopy.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (A. Damm-Reiser, M. Kneubühler, M.C. Schuman, M.E. Schaepman)

Czyż, Ewa A. Remotely sensed ecological genomics.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.C. Schuman, F. Morsdorf, M.J. Santos, K. Gademann, M.E. Schaepman) PDF (PDF, 12 MB)
Rohner, Christoph Automated retrieval of flow velocity, front position, and melt area for outlet glaciers using spaceborne SAR.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (A. Vieli, A. Damm-Reiser, D. Small, M. Lüthi) PDF (PDF, 57 MB)
Zheng, Zhaoju Mapping diversity and primary productivity of forests with remote sensing.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, F. Morsdorf, Y. Zeng (RADI/CAS), R. Purves) PDF (PDF, 108 MB)
Rossi, Christian Remote Sensing of Grassland Biodiversity.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (N. Backhaus, M.E. Schaepman, M. Kneubühler, A.C. Risch (WSL), M. Schütz (WSL), R. Haller (SNP), M. Schuman) PDF (PDF, 13 MB)
Casalini, Emiliano Indication and imaging of ground moving targets in airborne SAR data.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (A. Damm-Reiser, M.E. Schaepman, D. Henke, R. Purves, P. Lombardo) PDF (PDF, 52 MB)


Petibon, Fanny Biogeochemical validation of remotely sensed plant traits.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, M. Kneubühler, M. Schmidt, G. Wiesenberg) PDF
Böhler, Jonas E. Advanced Methods of Land Cover Assessment Using Spectral-spatial Algorithms in Remote Sensing.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, M. Kneubühler, A. Damm-Reiser) PDF (PDF, 14 MB)
Milani, Gillian Impacts of flow alteration on Swiss floodplains observed by remote sensing.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, M. Döring, M. Kneubühler) PDF (PDF, 17 MB)
Parreño, María Alejandra Integrating aspects of global change and biodiversity.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (O. Petchey, M.E. Schaepman, N. Backhaus)
Abegg, Meinrad Forest inventory using terrestrial laser scanning.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, F. Morsdorf, R. Purves) PDF (PDF, 18 MB)
Kükenbrink, Daniel Ray-tracing based fusion of imaging spectrometer and airborne laser scanning data for improved forest canopy assessment.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, F. Morsdorf, A. Hueni, R. Teyssier (ICS, UZH)) PDF (PDF, 70 MB)
Li, Chengxiu Functional diversity of grassland communities in response to global change drivers using scaling based approaches.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, B. Schmid, D.F.B. Flynn (Harvard U), J.S. He (Beijing University)) PDF (PDF, 63 MB)
Schneider, Fabian Daniel Remotely sensing functional diversity in temperate and tropical forest ecosystems.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, F. Morsdorf, B. Schmid, R. Furrer) PDF (PDF, 43 MB)
Méndez Dominguez, Elias Change detection in SAR data.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, D. Henke, L. Bruzzone, A. Damm-Reiser) PDF (PDF, 7 MB)
Xie, Jing Temporal snow dynamics and it's effect on vegetation in alpine areas.
University of Zurich (CH). Faculty of Science. (M. Kneubühler, R. Weibel, M.E. Schaepman) PDF (PDF, 4 MB)


Diek, SanneThe use of optical remote sensing for large-scale soil mapping.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, R. de Jong, A. Papritz, R. Purves) PDF (PDF, 87 MB)
Braun, DanielaRemote sensing of  ecosystem services.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (A. Damm, M.E. Schaepman, O.L. Petchey, L. Hein (WUR)) PDF (PDF, 18 MB)
Gómez Giménez, Marta Monitoring agricultural management practices and nitrogen deposition in Swiss agroecosystems using remote sensing.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, A. Keller (ART), R. de Jong, R. Schulin (ETH), M. Schmidt) PDF (PDF, 97 MB)
Nussbaum, MadlenePMSoil
ETH (CH). (A. Papritz, D. Or, M. Carizzoni, M.E. Schaepman)
Paul-Limoges, EugenieSpatial-temporal variability of remotely sensed products and C0 2 fluxes in a cropland and a mixed forest.
ETH (CH). (N. Buchmann, W. Eugster, M.E. Schaepman)
Nicolai-Shaw, Nadine RoxanneSoil Moisture CCI.
ETH (CH). (S. Senerivatne, M. Wild, M. Hirschi, H. Mittelbach, M.E. Schaepman)
Yankova, YanaInteractions between global change, biodiversity, and feedback mechanisms.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (J. Pernthaler, O. Petchey, M.E. Schaepman)
Fatehi, Parviz Spectroscopy of forest ecosystems.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, M. Kneubühler, A. Damm) PDF (PDF, 56 MB)
Moeser, DavidSnow distribution dynamics under forest canopy.
ETH (CH). (H. Bugmann, T. Jonas, F. Morsdorf)
Garaonna, Irene Global vegetation trends.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (R. de Jong, M.E. Schaepman, B. Schmid) PDF (PDF, 15 MB)
Juszak, IngeShortwave radiation interaction with highly patterned tundra vegetation.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (G. Schaepman-Strub, M.E. Schaepman, B. Schmid and W. Eugster (ETH-IAS))
Zellweger, FlorianCan structural diversity and habitat heterogeneity explain species diversity in temperate forests?.
ETH (CH). (H. Bugmann, K. Bollmann, V. Braunisch, F. Morsdorf)
Magnard, ChristopheDeriving High Resolution 3D Information using Multibaseline Airborne SAR Interferometry.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, U. Stilla, E. Meier, D. Small) PDF (PDF, 35 MB)
Leiterer, Reik Robust characterization of forest canopy structure using full-waveform airborne laser scanning.
University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, R. Furrer, F. Morsdorf (MNF, UZH), H. Bugmann (D-USYS, ETH)) PDF (PDF, 5 MB)
Grishchenko, MikhailLand use changes in Russia and its impact on migrating geese.
Wageningen University (NL) and University of Zurich (CH). (H. Prins, M.E. Schaepman, S. van Wieren, F. de Boer)
Weyermann, Jörg (2015). Aspects of reflectance anisotropy in imaging spectroscopy. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, M. Kneubühler, G. Schaepman-Strub) PDF (PDF, 33 MB)
Müller, Johan (2015). The evolution of mountain permafrost - A multisensoral approach. University of Zurich (CH). Faculty of Science. (I. Gaertner-Roer, M.E. Schaepman, R. Purves, B. Etzelmüller)
Torabzadeh Khorasani, Hossein (2015). Integration of LiDAR and Spectroscopic Remotely Sensed Data to Retrieve Forest Physiological Characteristics. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, F. Morsdorf, R. Purves) PDF (PDF, 4 MB)
Lenhard, Karim (2015). Improving the Calibration of Airborne Hyperspectral Sensors for Earth Observation. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, R. Purves, P. Gege (DLR), A. Hüni) PDF (PDF, 6 MB)
Schweiger, Anna-Katharina (2015). Ecological applications of imaging spectroscopy in alpine grasslands. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, A.C. Risch (WSL), M. Kneubühler, R. Haller (SNP), M. Schütz (WSL)) PDF (PDF, 2 MB)
Jörg, Philip (2014). Assessment of Glacial Changes, Surface Properties, and Related Uncertainties Based on Airborne Laser Scanning. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M. Zemp, F. Morsdorf, W. Haeberli, M.E. Schaepman) PDF (PDF, 16 MB)
Zuberbühler, Lukas (2014). Einflüsse der Waldstruktur auf die Messparameter voll polarimetrischer abbildender Radarsysteme.University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, E. Meier, I. Hajnsek, D. Small) PDF (PDF, 10 MB)
Yáñez Rausell, Lucía (2014). Coniferous needle-leaves, shoots and canopies: a remote sensing approach. Wageningen University (NL) and University of Zurich (CH). (M.E. Schaepman, Z. Malenovsky, J. Clevers) PDF (PDF, 13 MB)
Homolova, Lucie (2014). Imaging spectroscopy for ecological analysis in forest and grassland ecosystems. Wageningen University (NL) and University of Zurich (CH), p. 179. (M.E. Schaepman, J.G.P.W. Clevers) PDF (PDF, 2 MB)
Henke, Daniel (2013). Object tracking in remotely sensed data. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science, p. 112. (E. Meier, D. Small, M.E. Schaepman) PDF (PDF, 12 MB)
Laurent, Valérie (2013). Coupled canopy-atmosphere modelling for radiance-based estimation of vegetation properties.Wageningen University (NL) and University of Zurich (CH), p. 141. (M.E. Schaepman, W. Verhoef, J.G.P.W. Clevers) PDF (PDF, 3 MB)
Mulder, Titia (2013). Spectroscopy-supported digital soil mapping. Wageningen University (NL) and University of Zurich (CH), p. 188. (M.E. Schaepman, S. De Bruin) PDF (PDF, 4 MB)
D'Odorico, Petra (2012). In-flight calibration and validation approaches for imaging spectrometers. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, M. Kneubühler, M. Jehle) PDF (PDF, 24 MB)
De Jong, Rogier (2012). Analysis of vegetation-activity trends in a global land degradation framework. Wageningen University (NL) and University of Zurich (CH) PDF (PDF, 24 MB)
Odermatt, Daniel (2011). Spaceborne Inland Water Quality Monitoring. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, M. Kneubühler) PDF (PDF, 12 MB)
Seidel, Felix (2011). Radiative Transfer and Aerosol Remote Sensing. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, K.I. Itten, A.A. Kokhanovsky) PDF (PDF, 3 MB)
Dell'Endice, Francesco (2010). Improving Quality of Imaging Spectroscopy Data. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 58, p. 136. (K.I. Itten, M.E. Schaepman, M. Kneubühler, J. Nieke) PDF (PDF, 7 MB)
Frey, Othmar (2010). Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging in the Time Domain for Nonlinear Sensor Trajectories and SAR Tomography. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (M.E. Schaepman, E. Meier) PDF (PDF, 47 MB)
Hüni, Andreas (2010). Contribution to Complete Observing Systems. Integrating Sparse In Situ and Spatially Continuous Airborne Remote Sensing Data. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science. (K.I. Itten, M.E. Schaepman, M. Kneubühler) PDF (PDF, 16 MB)
Suhr, Birgit (2010). A Sensor independent Concept for the Characterization of Imaging Spectrometers. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Science, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 57, p. 160. (K.I. Itten, M. Kneubühler, P. Gege, J. Nieke) PDF (PDF, 5 MB)
Verrelst, Jochem (2010). Space-borne spectrodirectional estimation of forest properties. Wageningen University (NL), Environmental Sciences Group, p. 144. (M.E. Schaepman, J. Clevers, B. Kötz) PDF (PDF, 3 MB)
Abbasi, Mozhgan (2009). Investigating spectral properties of forest species (Fagus orientalis, Quercus castaneifolia, Carpinus betulus, Alnus subcordata, Parotia persica) using field spectroradiometry. University of Tehran (IR), Faculty of Natural Resources, p. 135 (in Farsi). (A.Darvishsefat, M.E. Schaepman) PDF (PDF, 3 MB)
Bartholomeus, Harm (2009). The influence of vegetation on the spectroscopic estimation of soil properties. Wageningen University (NL), Environmental Sciences Group, p. 145. (M.E. Schaepman, L. Kooistra) PDF (PDF, 4 MB)
Bühler, Yves (2009). Automatisierte Erkennung und Kartierung von Lawinenablagerungen mit optischen Fernerkundungsdaten.University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 55, p. 156. (K. I. Itten, T. W. Kellenberger, U. Frei) PDF (PDF, 12 MB)
Jehle, Michael (2009). Estimation of Path Delays, TEC and Faraday Rotation from SAR Data. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 56, p. 130. (M.E. Schaepman, E. Meier, D. Small, A. Geiger) PDF (PDF, 21 MB)
Jin, Xiaomei (2009). Ecohydrology in water-limited environments using quantitative remote sensing - the Heihe River basin (China) case. Wageningen University (NL), Environmental Sciences Group, p. 121. (M.E. Schaepman, J. Clevers, Z. Su) PDF (PDF, 3 MB)
Mücher, Caspar Alexander (2009). Geo-spatial modelling and monitoring of European landsapes and habitats using remote sensing and field surveys. Wageningen University (NL), Environmental Sciences Group, p. 254. (M.E Schaepman, J. Schaminée, R.G.H. Bunce) PDF (PDF, 6 MB)
Huber Gharib, Silvia (2008). Estimation of ecologically relevant land cover variables from Imaging Spectroscopy. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 52, p. 109. (K. I. Itten, M. Kneubühler, N. Zimmermann) PDF (PDF, 2 MB)
Psomas, Achilleas (2008). Hyperspectral remote sensing for ecological analyses of grasslands ecosystems. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 54, p. 121. (K.I.I tten, M. Kneubühler, N. Zimmermann) PDF (PDF, 4 MB)
Schopfer, Jürg Thomas (2008). Spectrodirectional Ground-Based Remote Sensing Using Dual-View Goniometry. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 53, p. 93. (K.I. Itten, M. Kneubühler, S. Dangel) PDF (PDF, 2 MB)
Zeng, Yuan (2008). Quantitative remote sensing for monitoring forest canopy structural variables in the Three Gorges region of China. Wageningen University (NL), Environmental Sciences Group, p. 119. (M.E. Schaepman, B. Wu, J. Clevers)  PDF (PDF, 15 MB)
Zurita-Milla, Raúl (2008). Mapping and monitoring heterogeneous landscapes: spatial, spectral and temporal unmixing of MERIS data. Wageningen University (NL), Environmental Sciences Group, p. 141. (M.E. Schaepman, J. Clevers) PDF (PDF, 8 MB)
Brazile, P. Jason (2007). Computation-based Improvements for Hyperspectral Data Processing. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 51, p. 126. (K.I. Itten, K. Dittrich, J. Nieke, M.E. Schaepman) PDF (PDF, 1 MB)
De Wit, Allard (2007). Regional crop yield forecasting using probabilistic crop growth modelling and remote sending data assimilation. Wageningen University (NL), Environmental Sciences Group, p. 159. (M.E. Schaepman, P.J.J.F. Torfs, S. de Bruin) PDF (PDF, 7 MB)
Reuschenbach, Monika (2007). Entwicklung und Realisierung eines Konzeptes zur verstärkten Integration der Fernerkundung, insbesondere von Luft- und Satellitenbildern, in den Geographieunterricht. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 50, p. 313. (K. I. Itten, T. W. Kellenberger, H. Elsasser) PDF (PDF, 17 MB)
Rüegg, Maurice (2007). Ground Moving Target Indication with Millimeter Wave Synthetic Aperture Radar. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 48, p. 160. (K. I. Itten, D. Nüesch, H. Essen, E. Meier) PDF (PDF, 23 MB)
Wu, Yi (2007). Knowledge-based 4D Visualization of Amorphous Phenomena in Complex Terrain. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 49, p. 313. (K. I. Itten, R.Pajarola, D. Nüesch, B. Allgöwer) PDF (PDF, 3 MB)
Eckert, Sandra (2006). A Contribution to Sustainable Forest Management in Patagonia. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 45, p. 154. (K.I. Itten, R. Weibel) PDF (PDF, 10 MB)
Kötz, Benjamin (2006). Estimating Biophysical and Biochemical Properties over Heterogeneous Vegetation Canopies; Radiative Transfer Modelling in Forest Canopies Based on Imaging Spectrometry and LIDAR. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 46, p. 84. (K.I. Itten, B. Allgöwer, M. Kneubühler, M.E. Schaepman) PDF (PDF, 2 MB)
Malenovský, Zbynek (2006). Quantitative remote sensing of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.): Spectroscopy from needles to crowns to canopies. Wageningen University (NL), Environmental Sciences Group, p. 141. (M.E. Schaepman, J. Clevers, P. Cudlín) PDF (PDF, 3 MB)
Morsdorf, Felix (2006). LIDAR Remote Sensing for Estimation of Biophysical Vegetation Parameters. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 47, p. 138. (K. I. Itten, B. Allgöwer, E. Meier, R. Weibel, E. Baltsavias) PDF (PDF, 8 MB)
Biegger, Stefan (2004). A Visual System for the Interactive Study and Experimental Simulation of Climate-induced 3D Mountain Glacier Fluctuations. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 43, p. 150. (K. I. Itten, D. Nüesch, J. Döllner) PDF (PDF, 20 MB)
Schaepman-Strub, Gabriela (2004). Spectrodirectional Reflectance Analysis and Definition for the Estimation of Vegetation Variables. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 42, p. 128. (K.I. Itten, J. Miller) PDF (PDF, 3 MB)
Schubert, Adrian (2004). Stereo-Assisted Interferometric SAR. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 44, p. 178. (K. I. Itten, R. Weibel, D. Nüesch) PDF (PDF, 26 MB)
Stebler, Oliver (2004). Analysis of the complex coherence of airborne and spaceborne InSAR-systems as a function of conventional and interferometrically optimised polarisation states. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 41, p. 267. (K. I. Itten, D. Nüesch, W.-M. Boerner, O. Hellwich) PDF (PDF, 28 MB)
Bojinski, Stephan (2003). Imaging Spectroscopy of Aerosols using a Reference Spectrum Database. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 40, p. 87. (K.I. Itten, R. Richter, J. Keller) PDF (PDF, 2 MB)
Hirtz, Philipp (2003). A Framework to Interactively Compose Realistic 3D Landscape Visualizations. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 39, p. 149. (K. I. Itten, D. Nüesch, I. D. Bishop) PDF (PDF, 12 MB)
Kneubühler, Mathias (2002). Spectral Assessment of Crop Phenology Based on Spring Wheat and Winter Barley. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 38, p. 149. (K.I. Itten, K. Staenz) PDF (PDF, 8 MB)
Beisl, Ulrich (2001). Correction of Bidirectional Effects in Imaging Spectrometer Data. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 37, p. 180. (K.I. Itten, M.E. Schaepman) PDF (PDF, 20 MB)
Keller, Peter A (2001). Imaging Spectroscopy of Lake Water Quality Parameters. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 36, p. 161. (K.I. Itten, M.E. Schaepman) PDF (PDF, 4 MB)
Piesbergen, Jens (2001). ERS-1 SAR Verarbeitungs- und Datenfusionsmethoden zur Schneekartierung im Hochgebirge.University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, p. 170. (K.I. Itten, H. Haefner) PDF (PDF, 5 MB)
Hoffmann, Hilko (2000). Realistische Darstellung atmosphärischer Effekte in interaktiven 3-D-Landschaftsvisualisierungen.University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 35, p. 160. (H. Haefner, D. Nüesch) PDF (PDF, 16 MB)
Schaper, Jesko (2000). Fernerkundungsbasierte Kartierung von Schnee- und Eisflächen hochalpiner Gebiete. Ein Beitrag zur Abflussmodellierung und Bewertung der Auswirkungen potentieller Klimaänderungen. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 34, p. 99. (H. Haefner, K. Seidel) 
Schaepman, Michael E (1998). Calibration and Characterization of a Non-Imaging Field Spectroradiometer Supporting Imaging Spectrometer Validation and Hyperspectral Sensor Modelling. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 31, p. 145. (K.I. Itten, H. Haefner) PDF (PDF, 2 MB)
Schläpfer, Daniel Rolf (1998). Differential Absorption Methodology for Imaging Spectroscopy of Amtospheric Water Vapor.University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 32, p. 131. (K.I. Itten, H. Haefner) PDF (PDF, 2 MB)
Small, David (1998). Generation of Digital Elevation Models through Spaceborne SAR Interferometry. University of Zurich (CH), Faculty of Sciences, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 30, p. 148. (H. Haefner, D. Nüesch) PDF (PDF, 16 MB)
Suter, Martin (1997). Aspekte der interaktiven real-time 3D-Landschaftsvisualisierung. University of Zurich (CH), Philosophical Faculty II, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 29, p. 150. (H. Haefner, R. Weibel) 
Brüsch, Walter (1996). Das Snowmelt Runoff Model ETH (SRM-ETH) als universelles Simulations- und Prognosesystem für Schneeschmelz-Abflussmengen - Ein Beispiel der Integration von Satellitenfernerkundung und Geographischen Informationssystemen (GIS). University of Zurich (CH), Philosophical Faculty II, p. 166. (K. I. Itten, H. Haefner) 
Kellenberger, Tobias Walter (1996) Erfassung der Waldfläche in der Schweiz mit multispektralen Satellitenbilddaten - Grundlagen, Methodenentwicklung und Anwendung. University of Zurich (CH), Philosophical Faculty II, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 28, p. 290. (K. I. Itten, H. Haefner) PDF (PDF, 3 MB)
Darvishsefat, Ali (1995). Einsatz und Fusion von multisensoralen Satellitenbilddaten zur Erfassung von Waldinventuren. University of Zurich (CH), Philosophical Faculty II, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 24, p. 146. (K. I. Itten)
Graf, K. Christoph (1995). Realistic Landscape Rendering using Remote Sensing Images, Digital Terrain Models and 3D Objects.University of Zurich (CH), Philosophical Faculty II, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 25, p. 120. (H. Haefner, D. Nüesch)
Sandmeier, Stefan (1995). A Physically-Based Radiometric Correction Model. Correction of Atmospheric and Illumination Effects in Optical Satellite Data of Rugged Terrain. University of Zurich (CH), Philosophical Faculty II, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 26, p. 140 (K. I. Itten)
1994 and before
Holecz, Francesco (1993). Postprocessing von SAR-Satellitenbilddaten. University of Zurich (CH), Philosophical Faculty II, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 23, p. 149. (H. Haefner, D. Nüesch)
Burkhart, Urs (1992). Simulation und Prognose des Schmelzwasserabflusses sowie Bestimmung des regionalen Schneewasseräquivalents unter Zuhilfenahme von Satellitenbilddaten, dargestellt am Beispiel des Einzugsgebietes Rhein-Felsberg und Teilgebieten. University of Zurich (CH), Philosophical Faculty II, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 20, p. 126. (H. Haefner)
Frei, Urs (1992). Compilation of Cartographic and Spaceborne Remote Sensing Data for Thematic / Topographic Mapping.University of Zurich (CH), Philosophical Faculty II, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 22, p. 102. (H. Haefner, D. Nüesch)
Oester, Bernhard (1991). Erfassen der Waldschaden-Entwicklung anhand von grossmassstäblichen Infrarot-Farbluftbildern.University of Zurich (CH), Philosophical Faculty II, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 19, p. 163. (H. Haefner)
Meyer, Peter (1990). Segmentierung und symbolische Beschreibung als Grundlage zur Klassifikation landwirtschaftlicher Kulturen in einem Multispektralscanner-Datensatz. University of Zurich (CH), Philosophical Faculty II, Remote Sensing Series Vol. 16, p. 151. (K. I. Itten)
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