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Department of Geography Remote Sensing Spectroscopy


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Remote Sensing Colloquium, Spring 2025

GEO 441.1: Colloquium in Remote Sensing

RSL colloquium

The colloquium in remote sensing focuses on a variety of remote sensing related topics, or - alternatively - on works showing potential to be used in collaboration with remote sensing based approaches. It serves the purpose of broadening the view on remote sensing related topics as well as fostering international contacts and cooperation.

The colloquium addresses students, staff and visitors interested in remote sensing and related topics. The format of the colloquium is a presentation (approx. 30 - 60 min.) followed by a discussion of approx. 5-15 min. The presentation and discussion language is English.

The colloquium forms part of the MSc curriculum and is embedded in the module GEO 441 (Specialization in Remote Sensing). It takes place in the spring semester (FS2025) and starts on February 18th on Tuesday at 14:00 (CET). Presentations will take place either on site (Y25-H79) or online. If presenters agree, on-site presentations may also be live-streamed. Presentations will not be recorded.

Participation is mandatory for RSL staff and registered students.

Spring Semester 2025

Time & Place Speaker Title Affiliation

18. Feb. 25 2:00 pm. on-site

student meeting Students-only gathering to introduce to the Remote Sensing Colloquium. Participation mandatory for students only.  

25. Feb. 25 2:00 pm. on-site

Adrian Meyer Fatal Accidents, Vital Predictions: Computer Vision for Wild Boar Distribution Modeling on the French Railway. FHNW

04. Mar. 25 2:00 pm. on-site

Alexander Damm-Reiser A remote sensing agenda for water systems research: From light measurements to tailored applications. RSWS

11. Mar. 25 2:00 pm. on-site

Joan Sturm How to work with swissEO – analysis-ready Sentinel-2 satellite data for Switzerland: GEE, python, and more. swisstopo

18. Mar. 25 2:00 pm.

Meredith Schuman & Claudia Röösli Genes from Space.


25. Mar. 25 2:00 pm.

Aline Bornand Deep learning for 3D point cloud completion. SG/UZH

01. Apr. 25
2:00 pm.

 Tiit Kutser Remote sensing of lake carbon dynamics.  University of Tartu

08. Apr. 25 2:00 pm. on-site

Florian Betz Remotely sensed riverscapes: Towards a better understanding of the complex process regimes shaping riverine landscapes through earth observation. Universität  Würzburg

15. Apr. 24
2:00 pm.

Jasmin Kesselring Remote sensing of 3D forest gas exchange. RSWS

22. Apr. 25

  Easter holidays  

29. Apr. 25 2:00 pm.

Marco Weber AI in Academic Research - Opportunities, Limitations and Threats. UB/UZH

06. May 25 2:00 pm. remote

Petteri Vihervaara Obsgession and Biodiversa+ SYKE

13. May 25 2:00 pm. on-site

Dan Sousa Challenges and Opportunities in the Multiscale Remote Sensing of Vegetation Structure, Composition, and Function. SRSD

20. May 25 2:00 pm. on-site

Holger Heisig A Century of Historic Aerial Imagery of Switzerland: Georeferenced, Orthorectified, and Freely Accessible - A Vital Resource for Environmental Research and Integral Part of Switzerland's Landscape Memory. swisstopo

27. May 25 2:00 pm. on-site

Gernot Paulus TBC SIENA

Remote Sensing Colloquium, Spring 2024

GEO 441.1: Colloquium in Remote Sensing

Spring Semester 2024

Time & Place Speaker Title Affiliation

20. Feb. 24 2:00 pm. on-site

student meeting Students-only gathering to introduce to the Remote Sensing Colloquium. Participation mandatory for students only.  

27. Feb. 24 2:00 pm. on-site

Nargiz Safaraliyeva Remote Sensing of Multi-Year Plant Trait Change UZH

05. Mar. 24 2:00 pm. on-site

Lukas Graf & Gregor Perich EOdal - Earth Observation for Everyone Terensis

12. Mar. 24 2:00 pm. on-site

Tiziana Koch Satellite time series of tree species in Swiss forests UZH

19. Mar. 24 2:00 pm. remote

Aga Bialek Uncertainty evaluation for autonomous surface reflectance measurements. NPL

26. Mar. 24 2:00 pm. remote

Benjamin Kellenberger Species Distributions at Continental Scale – an Unexpected Journey of Challenges and Opportunities Yale

02. Apr. 24

  Easter holidays  

09. Apr. 24 2:00 pm. on-site

Jochem Braakhekke Tracing the Cold UZH

16. Apr. 24 2:00 pm. on-site

Anna Wendleder Remote sensing of the cryosphere DLR

23. Apr. 24 2:00 pm. on-site

Daniel Schläpfer Hyperspectral Point Clouds: About the Processing of Imaging Spectroscopy Data in Four Dimensions. ReSe

30. Apr. 24 2:00 pm. remote

Elnaz Neinavaz Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing for Vegetation: From Computation of Land Surface Temperature to Retrieval of Vegetation Biochemical and Biophysical Variables. Uni Twente

07. May 24 2:00 pm. on-site

Isabelle Helfenstein Forest functional diversity assessment from space. UZH

14. May 24 2:00 pm. on-site

Chris Baker Radar for remote sensing Uni Birmingham

21. May 24 2:00 pm. on-site

Teja Kattenborn Tracking plant traits across spatial and temporal scales with machine learning Uni Freiburg

28. May 24 2:00 pm. on-site

Clare Webster Advances and challenges in using UAVs to measure forest snow energy balance processes Uni Oslo

04. Jun. 24 2:00 pm. on-site

Peter Brotzer A drone for high-resolution SAR images UZH

Remote Sensing Colloquium, Spring 2023

GEO 441.1: Colloquium in Remote Sensing

Spring Semester 2023

Time & Place Speaker Title Affiliation

21. Feb. 23 2:00 pm. on-site

student meeting Students-only gathering to introduce to the Remote Sensing Colloquium. Participation mandatory for students only.  

28. Feb. 23 2:00 pm. on-site

Monika Kriemler Workshop on Open Access and Scientific Publishing UZH

07. Mar. 23 2:00 pm. on-site

Fabian Faßnacht Applying synthetic remote sensing data to advance remote-sensing based biodiversity and forest monitoring FU Berlin

14. Mar. 23 2:00 pm. remote

Andreas Reigber Airborne SAR at DLR – Preparing futute satellite missions DLR

21. Mar. 23 2:00 pm. remote

Sofia Ermida Taking the temperature of the Earth through remote sensing IPMA

28. Mar. 23 2:00 pm. remote

Hamed Gholizadeh Using remotely sensed optical traits to map biological invasions in grassland ecosystems  OSU

04. Apr. 23 2:00 pm. on-site

Claudia Giardino A journey through inland water remote sensing from the Nineties to the present. CNR-IREA

11. Apr. 23

  Easter holidays    

18. Apr. 23 2:00 pm. remote

Einar Bjorgo From imagery to impact – the UNOSAT experience UNOSAT

25. Apr. 23 2:00 pm. on-site

Helge Aasen Earth Observation for Agroecology Agroscope

02. May. 23 2:00 pm. on-site

Jennifer Adams & Kathrin Naegeli Thermal remote sensing of complex ecosystems across spheres RSWS & RS

09. May. 23 2:00 pm. remote

Sebastian Hafner Multi-Modal Deep Learning with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data for Urban Mapping and Change Detection KTH

16. May. 23 2:00 pm. on-site

Petra D'Odorico Watching them respond - How optical Remote Sensing can uncover tree responses to climate change WSL

23. May. 23 2:00 pm. on-site

Marius Vögtli Atmospheric, topographic, and anisotropy effects in airborne imaging spectroscopy data and derived products RSL

30. May. 23 2:00 pm. on-site

Clare Webster Advances and challenges in using UAVs to measure forest snow energy balance processes UiO

20. Jun. 23 2:00 pm. on-site

Nima Pahlevan Space-based studies of freshwater ecosystems:
Towards synergistic use of multispectral and hyperspectral observations
11. Jul. 23 2:00 pm. remote Melania Guerra, Rhodri Phillips Planet Labs - Unlocking the power of high-cadence, high-resolution Earth observation data Planet Labs

Remote Sensing Colloquium, Spring 2022

GEO 441.1: Colloquium in Remote Sensing

Spring Semester 2022

Time & Place Speaker Title Affiliation


2 pm

on site

student meeting Students-only gathering to introduce to the Remote Sensing Colloquium. Participation mandatory.  


2 pm


Hugo Figueroa  A drone-borne 3-band SAR system and its multiple applications: case studies in agriculture FAPESP


2 pm


Lola Fatoyinbo  From Treetops To Coastal Depths – Monitoring Blue Carbon Ecosystems In The 3rd And 4th Dimension GSFC


2 pm


Heather McNairn  Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to map and monitor agricultural landscapes ORDC


2 pm

on site

Daniel Kükenbrink Close-range remote sensing to support the Swiss National Forest Inventory? WSL


2 pm


Deep Inamdar  The Utility of Point Cloud and Rectangular Pixel Raster Data Representations in Preserving the Integrity of Hyperspectral Imaging Data McGill


2 pm


Yves Bühler Snow depth mapping in high alpine terrain WSL/SLF

12.Apr.22 2 pm

- presentation by Fatima Karbou is postponed to May 10th  
19.Apr.22   Easter holidays  


2 pm

on site

Christian Frankenberg A global view on the carbon cycle from the vantage point in space Caltech


2 pm

on site

Andrea Manconi Monitoring slope deformation with DInSAR WSL/SLF


2 pm

on site

Fatima Karbou Monitoring mountain snowmelt lines using segmentation techniques applied to Sentinel-1 SAR images CNRM


2 pm

on site

Lukas Emmenegger Quantum cascade laser spectroscopy for environmental gas sensing EMPA


5 pm


Troy Magney Scaling plant physiology from the leaf to the landscape UC Davis


2 pm


Stefan Simis  Global Remote Sensing of Lake Water Quality – State of the art, Challenges and new Opportunities PML

Remote Sensing Colloquium, Spring 2021

GEO 441.1: Colloquium in Remote Sensing

Spring Semester 2021

Date/time Speaker Title Affiliation
23.Feb.21 2 pm student meeting Students-only gathering to introduce to the Remote Sensing Colloquium. Participation mandatory.  
02.Mar.21 2 pm Gerrit Kuhlmann The Copernicus CO₂ Monitoring (CO2M) mission - Space Component of the European CO₂ Emission Monitoring and Verification Support System EMPA
09.Mar.21 2 pm Miina Rautiainen From needles to landscapes: understanding forest spectra at different scales Aalto University
16.Mar.21 2 pm Dudu Meireles Seeing leaf spectra in light of evolution University of Maine
23.Mar.21 2 pm Joanne Nightingale Satellite validation with a Metrology perspective: Fiducial Reference Measurements (FRM) for vegetation NPL
30.Mar.21 2 pm Anna Schweiger Dimensions of biodiversity - A spectroscopic view UZH
06.Apr.21   Easter holidays - no colloquium  
13.Apr.21 2 pm Simon Trim Spectral calibration, spectral response function shapes and related uncertainties UZH
20.Apr.21 2 pm Zhaoju Zheng Estimating functional traits at individual tree and pixel level by remote sensing UZH
27.Apr.21 2 pm Fanny Petibon Investigating species traits with leaf-based spectral measurements UZH


2 pm

Vincent Humphrey Remote sensing of droughts and their impact on terrestrial ecosystems UZH
11.May.21 5 pm Laura Williams Spectral detection of biodiversity effects on forest ecosystem function UMN
18.May.21 2 pm Stephen Howell Large-scale Arctic sea ice motion from Sentinel-1 and the RADARSAT Constellation Mission Environment Canada
25.May.21 5 pm Bernd Scheuchl Remote Sensing of Polar Regions UCI
01.Jun.21 5 pm Franz Mayer The Alaska Satellite Facility: Radar-based Earth Observation from the Center of Alaska UAF

Remote Sensing Colloquium, Spring 2020

GEO 441.1: Colloquium in Remote Sensing

Spring Semester 2020

Date Speaker Title Affiliation
18.02.2020 student meeting Students-only gathering to introduce to the Remote Sensing Colloquium. Participation mandatory.  
25.02.2020 Richard Gloaguen Operational multiscale imaging spectroscopy for mineral mapping HZDR
03.03.2020 Daphne Stam  Polarimetry as a tool for characterising Solar System planets and exoplanets TU Delft
10.03.2020 Tuuli Soomets  Retrieving phytoplankton primary production in lakes from remote sensing data. ETIS
17.03.2020 Julian Fagir Change Detection between High-Resolition Airborne SAR and RGB Data RSL
24.03.2020 Gustau Camps-Valls Cancelled UV
31.03.2020 Julia Joswig Global signals in plant traits RSL
07.04.2020 Gustau Camps-Valls

Advances in Machine Learning for Earth Observation

14.04.2020 Osterferien  -    
21.04.2020 Cristina Ananasso Copernicus: Europe's eyes on Earth EC
28.04.2020 Zoran Sjanic


05.05.2020 Fatima Karbou


12.05.2020 Lars Opgenoorth


19.05.2020 Michael Berger


26.05.2020 Monica Garcia Mapping vegetation function: Synergies between optical, thermal and photogrammetry information DTU

Remote Sensing Colloquium, Spring 2019

GEO 441.1: Colloquium in Remote Sensing

Spring Semester 2019

Date Speaker Title Affiliation


student meeting

Students-only gathering to introduce to the Remote Sensing Colloquium. Participation mandatory.  

Keith Morrison

Earth Observation Using Ground-Based and Near-Ground SAR Systems



Astrid Bracher

A detailed view from space: towards a global assessment of phytoplankton diversity


Valerie Pasquarella

Mapping past, present and future forests: Towards a stakeholder-driven multi-scale regional Forest Observatory



no colloquium


Gillian Milani

Observing water flow alteration on alluvial vegetation



Jean-Baptiste Feret

Modeling leaf optical properties for the remotely sensed estimation of leaf traits and beyond

09.04.2019 Jeremie Mouginot Monitoring rapidly changing ice-sheets IGE

Duccio Rocchini

Biodiversity from space: real power and minotaurs

University of Trento


no colloquium - Easter holiday week


30.04.2019 Christian Rossi From local to regional: Functional diversity in differently managed alpine grasslands CHNP

Maarten Eppinga

Putting ecological models to the test: a snapshot approach


Emiliano Casalini

Imaging of Ground Moving Targets in Airborne SAR Data



Vladimir Wingate

Estimating aboveground woody biomass change in Kalahari woodland: combining field, radar, and optical data sets RSL

Camilla Brekke

Remote sensing of marine pollution by synthetic aperture radar


Remote Sensing Colloquium, Spring 2018

GEO 441.1: Colloquium in Remote Sensing

Spring Semester 2018

Date Speaker Title Affiliation


student meeting

Students-only gathering to introduce to the Remote Sensing Colloquium. Participation mandatory.  

Meinrad Abegg

The quest for truth - about sampling theory, forests and terrestrial laserscanning


Jonas Böhler

From Pictures to Land Cover Maps - Classification of Field Crops Based on UAV Data RSL

Anna Hogg

Earth observation of the cryosphere: Hot topics in glaciology University of Leeds

Helene Oriot

Airborne high-resolution SAR images and applications

27.03.2018 Chengxiu Li

Combined effects of human activities and environmental variables on vegetation traits in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau


03.04.2018 - no colloquium - Easter holiday week  
10.04.2018 Daniel Kükenbrink Measuring the aura of a tree: The impact of an isolated tree on the surrounding surface irradiance field. RSL
17.04.2018 Erfan Haghighi Linking pore- and landscape-scale processes towards improved estimation of land-atmosphere exchanges near the Earth’s critical zone EAWAG
24.04.2018 Christine Gommenginger Microwave remote sensing of the ocean

National Oceanography Centre 

01.05.2018 - no colloquium - national holiday  

Marion Pfeifer

Mapping and predicting ecosystem functions and services under environmental changes Newcastle University
15.05.2018 Kirsten Thonicke

Ecological sorting, plant competition and trait diversity: understanding forest dynamics using a dynamic global vegetation model

22.05.2018 Mirco Migliavacca Combining flux measurements and earth observations to diagnose ecosystem functions and essential biodiversity variables MPI
29.05.2018 Florence Tupin

Processing and analysis of multi-temporal SAR series and applications to urban areas



RSL’s Master Students Concept Colloquium

Date: 27.10.2017

Time: 09:00-12:00

Location: Y21-F-65 Theatersaal


Manuel Luck - “Biomass Estimations in a Forest -
Comparing UAVLS and TLS Point Clouds”
09:00-9.30 Ewa Czyz - “Detecting intra-specific genetic variation in the Laegern temperate forest using airborne imaging spectroscopy time series.”
09:30-10.00 Isabelle Helfenstein - “Quantifying functional diversity variations of physiological forest traits between different spatial scales and optical sensors.”
10.00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11.00 Joan Sturm - “Extraction of general flowering metrics in Malaysian Borneo using optical indices on satellite data.”
11.00-11:30 Tobias Klee - “Point to area extrapolation of phenocam data at biodiversity test sites.”


Bernhard Sassik - “Quantifying Grassland Degradation in the Borena Zone (Ethiopia) between 1980’s and 2016 using the Google Earth Engine.”

Remote Sensing Colloquium, Spring 2017

GEO 441.1: Colloquium in Remote Sensing

Spring Semester 2017

Date Speaker Title Affiliation


Stéphane Jacquemoud

Optical remote sensing of multi-scale surface roughness: 

A theoretical and experimental approach


Jan Wegner

Large-scale Geospatial Computer Vision: 

Cities, Point Clouds, Trees



no colloquium


Jing Xie

The influence of snow accumulation on alpine vegetation:

A case study in the European Alps


Silvia Garbari

From observations to environmental physics: 

Radiance based retrieval of vegetation parameters using combined models and MCMC

28.03.2017 Donato Amitrano

New perspectives for multitemporal SAR data analysis:

Representation, understanding, and products

Uni Napoli
04.04.2017 Alexandra Messerli Remote sensing of the Cryosphere with focus on velocity mapping Norwegian Polar Institut
11.04.2017 Laura Duncanson

How much carbon is stored in Earth's forests? 

What we know, what we don't, and what we will know soon.

NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
18.04.2017   no colloquium  
25.04.2017 Elias Mendez Change detection with SAR data RSL
02.05.2017 Daniela Braun Remote sensing-based ecosystem service mapping: From instantaneous to continuous ecosystem monitoring RSL

Ansgar Kahmen

Plant and ecosystem responses to hydrological changes Uni Basel
16.05.2017 Eija Honkavaara

Close-range hyperspectral 3D UAV remote sensing:

A photogrammetric approach

Finnish Geospatial Research
23.05.2017 Sanne Diek

Soil properties from the air: 

How to optimise airborne soil spectroscopy

30.05.2017 Anny Cazenave

Space observations for monitoring climate change:

A focus on sea level rise



EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy

The 10th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy took place at UZH from 19-21 April 2017
