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Department of Geography Geographic Information Systems

DSI Community Mobility Research Workshop

From 30 June - 1 July 2022, the DSI Community Mobility Research Workshop on "Mobility and Digitalization" organized by Hoda Allahbakhshi, Liudmila Zavolokina, and Anja Schulze took place in Maienfeld.

DSI Community Mobility Research Workshop

This workshop provided a platform for participants from different disciplines and institutions (UZH and ZHAW):

  • to connect and exchange research ideas in the area of mobility and digitalization, on different topics such as urban walkability and accessibility, sustainable transportation & AI, and big mobility data analytics;
  • to develop a preliminary research plan for the presented project ideas within the focus group discussions;
  • and to further learn about potential funding opportunities for collaborations.

Thanks to our participants for bringing their expertise and experience around the table and engaging in inspiring, constructive, and open exchanges throughout the DSI Community Mobility Research workshop

  • DSI Mobility Workshop 2022

    DSI Community Mobility Research Workshop

  • DSI Mobility Workshop 2022

    DSI Community Mobility Research Workshop

  • DSI Mobility Workshop 2022

    DSI Community Mobility Research Workshop

  • DSI Mobility Workshop 2022

    DSI Community Mobility Research Workshop

  • DSI Mobility Workshop 2022

    DSI Community Mobility Research Workshop
