Remote Sensing Spectroscopy
Tel.: 044 63 55205Room number: Y25 J 54bernhard.schmid@geo.uzh.ch
Recent papers
- Czyz, E., Schmid, B., Hueni, A., Eppinga, M.B., Schuman, M.C., Schneider, F.D., Guillén-Escribà, C., Schaepman, M.E. (2023). Genetic constraints on temporal variation of airborne reflectance spectra and their uncertainties over a temperate forest. Remote Sensing of Environment 284: 113338 (12 pages).
- Deng, M., Hu, S., Guo, L., Jiang, L., Huang, Y., Schmid, B., Liu, C., Chang, P., Li, S., Liu, X., Ma, K., Liu, L. (2023). Tree mycorrhizal association types control biodiversity–productivity relationship in a suptropical forest. Science Advances 9: eadd4468 (11 pages).
- Isbell, F., …, Schmid, B., … (2023). Expert perspectives on global biodiversity loss and its drivers and impacts on people. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21: 94-103.
- Li, Y., Schmid, B., Schuldt, A., Li, S., Wang, M., Fornoff, F., Staab, M., Guo, P., Chesters, D., Bruelheide, H., Zhu, C., Ma, K., Liu, X. (2023). Multitrophic arthropod diversity mediates tree diversity effects on primary productivity. Nature Ecology and Evolution 7: online first.
- Liu, Y., Cheng, J., Schmid, B., Sheng, J. (2023). Aridity shifts the difference in carbon uptake and storage between wooded and pure grasslands from positive to negative. Science of the Total Environment 861: 160614 (9 pages).
- Luo, A., Xu, X., Liu, Y., Li, Y., Su, X., Li, Y., Lyu, T., Dimitrov, D., Larjavaara, M., Peng, S., Chen, Y., Wang, Q., Zimmermann, N.E., Pelissier, L. Schmid, B., Wang, Z. (2023). Spatiotemporal patterns in the woodiness of flowering plants. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32: 384-396.
- Luo, S., Phillips, R.P., Jo, I., Fei, S., Liang, J., Schmid, B., Eisenhauer, N. (2023). Higher productivity in forests with mixed mycorrhizal strategies. Nature Communications 14: 1377 (10 pages).
- Schneider, F.D., Longo, M., Paul-Limoges, E., Scholl, V.M., Schmid, B., Morsdorf, F., Pavlick, R.P., Schimel, D.S., Schaepman, M.E., Moorcroft, P.R. (2023). Remote sensing-based forest modeling reveals positive effects of functional diversity on productivity at local spatial scale. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 128, e2023JG007421 (22 pages).
- Schuldt, A., Liu, X., Buscot, F., Bruelheide, H., Erfmeier, A., He, J.-S., Klein, A.-M., Ma, K., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Schmid, B., Scholten, T., Tang, Z., Trogisch, S., Wirth, C., Wubet, T., Staab, M. (2023). Carbon–biodiversity relationships in a highly diverse subtropical forest. Global Change Biology: online first.
- Wuest, S.E., Schulz, L., Rana, S., Frommelt, J., Ehmig, M., Pires, N., Grossniklaus, U., Hardtke, C.S., Hammes, U., Schmid, B., Niklaus, P.A. (2023). Natural genetic differences at a proton-sucrose symporter gene are associated with a positive plant diversity effect. Nature Communications 14: 3379 (11 pages).
- Yang, X., Wang, P., Xiao, B., Xu, Q., Guo, X., Li, S., Guo, L., Deng, M., Lu, J., Liu, L., Ma, K., Schmid, B., Jiang, L. (2023). Different assembly mechanisms of leaf epiphytic and endophytic bacterial communities underlie their higher diversity in more diverse forests. Journal of Ecology 111: 970-981.
- Zheng, Z., Zeng, Y., Schuman, M.C., Zhao, D., Schmid, B., Schaepman, M.E., Morsdorf, F. (2023). Remotely sensed functional diversity and association with productivity in a subtropical forest. Remote Sensing of Environment 290: 113530 (12 pages).
Education and professional positions
2019 - | Adjunct Professor, Institute of Ecology, Peking University, Beijing |
2018 - | Professor of Environmental Sciences, Department of Geography, University of Zurich |
2014 - 2016 | Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Zurich |
2013 - 2019 | Co-director of University Research Priority Program “Global Change and Biodiversity” |
2009 - 2018 | Guest Professor, Peking University, Beijing |
2009 - 2013 | Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Zurich |
2007 - | Editor Journal of Plant Ecology |
2004 - 2012 | Member of the Research Council, Division III, Swiss National Science Foundation |
1997 - | Visiting professor at several foreign Universities |
2010 - 2018 | Professor of Environmental Sciences, Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich |
1994 - 2009 | Professor of Environmental Sciences, Head of the Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Zurich |
1992 - 1994 | Professor of Conservation Biology, NLU, University of Basel |
1987 - 1992 | START-fellow (career development award of the Swiss NSF), University of Basel |
1984 - 1987 | Postdoc, Harvard University, Cambridge (with F.A. Bazzaz) |
1983 - 1984 | Research Associate, University of Zurich |
1981 - 1983 | Postdoc, University College of North Wales, Bangor (with J.L. Harper) |
1977 - 1981 | PhD-studies at Institute of Systematic Botany, University of Zurich Teacher in Biology, High school Baden |
1976 - 1977 | Teacher in Biology and Chemistry, High school Sargans |
Former members of research group
Surname / name | Function until | Current Function | Link |
Bossdorf Oliver | PhD 2004 | Professor | |
Chen Yuxin | Postdoc 2018 | Professor | |
Dimitrakopoulos Panos G. | Postdoc 2003 | Professor | |
Fakheran Sima | PhD 2009 | Professor | |
Fischer Markus | PhD 1996 | Professor | |
Joshi Jasmin | PhD 1999 | Professor | |
Kéry Marc | PhD 2000 | Statistics Advisor | |
Knop Eva | PhD 2006 | Researcher | |
Koricheva Julia | Postdoc 1996 | Professor | |
Lavigne Claire | Postdoc 1995 | Professor | |
Lindemann-Matthies Petra | PhD 1999 | Professor | |
Liu Xiaojuan | Postdoc 2016 | Professor | |
Matthies Diethart | Postdoc 2000 | Professor | https://www.uni-marburg.de/fb17/forschung/fobericht/Foberichtneu/matthies |
Moradi Hossein | PhD 2009 | Professor | |
Mwangi Peter N. | PhD 2006 | Professor | |
O’Brien Michael | Postdoc 2015 | Researcher | |
Petermann Jana S. | PhD 2009 | Professor | |
Schläpfer Felix | PhD 1999 | Professor | https://www.kalaidos-fh.ch/en-GB/Common/Personen/Mitarbeitende/Common/Schlaepfer-Felix |
Schöb Christian | Ambizione 2017 | Professor | http://www.ias.ethz.ch/people/person-detail.html?persid=239475 |
Seidl Irmi | Postdoc 2002 | Professor | |
Stoll Peter | PhD 1995 | Researcher | http://www.ips.unibe.ch/aboutus/personen/vegetation_ecology/pd_dr_stoll_peter/index_eng.html |
Turnbull Lindsay A. | Postdoc 2013 | Professor | |
Van Kleunen Mark | PhD 2001 | Professor | |
Van Moorsel Sofia | PhD 2017 | Researcher | |
Wagg Cameron | Postdoc 2018 | Researcher | |
Wang Zhiheng | Postdoc 2010 | Professor | |
Weber Ewald | PhD 1994 | Researcher | |
Willi Yvonne | PhD 2004 | Professor | |
Wüst Samuel | Ambizione 2017 | Researcher | |
Züst Tobias | PhD 2012 | Researcher | http://www.ips.unibe.ch/aboutus/personen/plant_ecology/dr_zuest_tobias/index_eng.html |