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Department of Geography Remote Sensing Spectroscopy

Book chapters / Books

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  • Book Section

    • 2022
      • Adler, Carolina; Wester, Philippus; Bhatt, Indra D; Huggel, Christian; Insarov, Gregory; Morecroft, Michael; Muccione, Veruska; Prakash, Anjal (2022). Cross-Chapter Paper 5: Mountains. In: Pörtner, H-O; Roberts, D C; Tignor, M; Poloczanska, E S; Mintenbeck, K; Alegría, A; Craig, M; Langsdorf, S; Löschke, S; Möller, V; Okem, A; Rama, B. Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Working Group II Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2273-2318.
    • 2021
      • Miranda, Nuno; Meadows, Peter; Piantanida, Riccardo; Recchia, Andrea; Franceschi, Niccolò; Hajduch, Guillaume; Husson, R; Vincent, Pauline; Small, David; Schubert, Adrian; Mouche, Alexis (2021). Sentinel-1A/B SAR calibration and performance status. In: VDE ITG – Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE. EUSAR 2021. 13th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar 29 March – 1 April 2021, Online Event. Berlin: VDE VERLAG, 766-769.
    • 2020
    • 2019
      • Hoelzle, Martin; Barandun, Martina; Bolch, Tobias; Fiddes, Joel; Gafurov, Abror; Muccione, Veruska; Saks, Tomas; Shahgedanova, Maria (2019). The status and role of the alpine cryosphere in central Asia. In: Xenarios, Stefanos; Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich; Qadir, Manzoor; Janusz-Pawletta, Barbara; Abdullaev, Iskandar. The Aral Sea basin: water for sustainable development in central Asia. Abingdon (UK): Routledge, 100-121.
    • 2016
    • 2015
      • Suarez, Lola; Restrepo-Coupe, Natalia; Hueni, Andreas; Chisholm, Laurie (2015). Vegetation spectroscopy. In: Held, Alex; Phinn, Stuart; Soto-Berelov, Mariela; Jones, Simon. AusCover Good Practice Guidelines: A technical handbook supporting calibration and validation activities of remotely sensed data product. St Lucia (Australia): Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network TERN, 221-233.
      • Chisholm, Laurie; Hueni, Andreas (2015). The spectroscopy dataset lifecycle: best practice for exchange and dissemination. In: Held, Alex; Phinn, Stuart; Soto-Berelov, Mariela; Jones, Simon. AusCover Good Practice Guidelines: A technical handbook supporting calibration and validation activities of remotely sensed data products. St Lucia (Australia): Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network TERN, 234-248.
    • 2013
      • Ben Dor, Eyal; Malthus, Tim; Plaza, Antonio J; Schläpfer, Daniel (2013). Hyperspectral remote sensing. In: Wendisch, Manfred; Brenguier, Jean-Louis. Airborne Measurements for Environmental Research: Methods and Instruments. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 419-753.
      • Schweiger, Anna-Katharina; Rapp, Maja; Kneubühler, Mathias; Risch, Anita C (2013). Bildspektrometrie im SNP: Ökologie trifft Fernerkundung. In: Haller, Heinrich; Eisenhut, Antonia; Haller, Rudolf. Atlas des Schweizerischen Nationalparks: Die ersten 100 Jahre. Bern: Haupt Verlag, 190-191.
      • Schütz, Martin; Haller, Rudolf; Kneubühler, Mathias; Risch, Anita C (2013). Vegetationskartierungen im SNP: Geschichte und Zukunft. In: Haller, Heinrich; Eisenhut, Antonia; Haller, Rudolf. Atlas des Schweizerischen Nationalparks: Die ersten 100 Jahre. Bern: Haupt Verlag, 38-39.
      • Bai, Zhanguo; Dent, David; Wu, Yunjin; de Jong, Rogier (2013). Land degradation and ecosystem services. In: Lal, R; Lorenz, K; Hüttl, R F; Schneider, B U; von Braun, J. Ecosystem Services and Carbon Sequestration in the Biosphere. Dordrecht, NL: Springer, 357-381.
    • 2012
    • 2011
      • de Jong, Rogier (2011). Trendkaart voor landdegradatie. In: Bakker, N; Jansen, B; de Hilster, Y; Tielens, J; Versluis, K; Woestenburg, M; van Otterloo-Butler, S. Kennis in kaarten : atlas van Wagenings onderzoek naar onze groene leefomgeving. Wageningen (NL): Environmental Science Group, Wageningen University, 98-99.
    • 2010


Book chapters / Books up to 2014

Woolliams, E., Hueni, A., Gorroño, J. (2014). Intermediate Uncertainty Analysis for Earth Observation (Instrument Calibration Module). Teddington (UK), National Physical Laboratory (NPL), pp. 1-129, | PDF 


Bai, Z.G., Dent, D.L., Wu, Y. & de Jong, R. (2013). Land Degradation and Ecosystem Services. R. Lal, K. Lorenz, R. F. Hüttl, B. U. Schneider, J. von Braun (Eds.), Ecosystem Services and Carbon Sequestration in the Biosphere, pp. 357-381. Dordrecht (NL), Springer Netherlands, ISBN: 978-94-007-6455-2, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-6455-2_15 | PDF
Ben Dor, E., Malthus, T., Plaza, A., & Schläpfer, D. (2013). Hyperspectral Remote Sensing. Wendisch, M. & Brenguier, J.L. (Eds.), Airborne Measurements for Environmental Research: Methods and Instruments, p. 641, Wiley-VCH, ISBN: 978-3-527-40996-9, | PDF
Schütz, M., Haller, R., Kneubühler, M. & Risch, A.C. (2013). Vegetationskartierungen im SNP: Geschichte und Zukunft. H. Haller, A. Eisenhut, R. Haller (Eds.), Atlas des Schweizerischen Nationalparks. Die ersten 100 Jahre, pp. 38-39, Haupt Verlag, Bern (CH)
Schweiger, A.K., Rapp, M., Kneubühler, M. & Risch, A.C. (2013). Bildspektrometrie im SNP: Oekologie trifft Fernerkundung. H. Haller, A. Eisenhut, R. Haller (Eds.), Atlas des Schweizerischen Nationalparks. Die ersten 100 Jahre, pp. 190-191, Haupt Verlag, Bern (CH)


Rogass, C., Spengler, D., Bochow, M., Segl, K., Lausch, A., et al. (2012). A Contribution to the Reduction of Radiometric Miscalibration of Pushbroom Sensors. Escalante-Ramirez, Boris (Ed.), Remote Sensing - Advanced Techniques and Platforms, pp. 151-170, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/45740 | PDF


de Jong, R. (2011). Trendkaart voor landdegradatie, Kennis in Kaarten, atlas van Wagenings onderzoek naar onze groene leefomgeving, pp. 98-99. Wageningen, Nederland, Environmental Science Group, Wageningen University, | PDF
Schmitt, M., Magnard, C., Brehm, T., & Stilla, U. (2011). Towards Airborne Single Pass Decimeter Resolution SAR Interferometry over Urban Areas. Stilla, U., Rottensteiner, F., Mayer, H., Jutzi, B. & Butenuth, M. (Eds.), Photogrammetric Image Analysis, pp. 197-208, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-24392-9, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24393-6_17


Rascher, U., Damm, A., Van der Linden, S., Okujeni, A., Pieruschka, R., Schickling, A., & Hostert, P. (2010). Sensing of photosynthetic activity and the effects on the environment. Oerke, E.C., Gerhards, R., Menz, G. & Sikora, R.A. (Eds.), Precision crop protection - the challenge and use of heterogeneity, pp. 87-99, Springer, ISBN: 978-90-481-9276-2
Rascher, U., Damm, A., van der Linden, S., Okujeni, A., Pieruschka, R., Schickling, A., & Hostert, P. (2010). Sensing of Photosynthetic Activity of Crops. Oerke, E.C., Gerhards, R., Menz, G & Sikora, R.A. (Eds.), Precision Crop Protection - the Challenge and Use of Heterogeneity, p. 441, Springer, ISBN: 978-90-481-9276-2,


Danson, F.M., Morsdorf, F., & Koetz, B. (2009). Laser Scanning for the Environmental Sciences. Heritage, G.L. & Large, A.R.G. (Eds.), pp. 201-219, Blackwell Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-4051-5717-9, DOI: 10.1002/9781444311952.ch13
Schaepman, M.E. (2009). Imaging Spectrometers. Warner, T.A., Duane Nellis, M. & Foody, G. (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Remote Sensing, pp. 166-178. London (UK), SAGE, | PDF
Schaepman-Strub, G., Schaepman, M.E., Martonchik, J.V., Painter, T.H., & Dangel, S. (2009). Radiometry and Reflectance: From Terminology Concepts to Measured Quantities. Warner, T.A., Duane Nellis, M. & Foody, G. (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Remote Sensing, pp. 215-228, SAGE, | PDF


Heege, T., & Odermatt, D. (2008). MIP Inland Water Processor: Lake Constance, AT-DE-CH. Fitoka, E. & Keramitsoglou, I. (Eds.), Mapping Wetlands using Earth Observation Techniques, pp. 114-117, MedWet, ISBN: 978-960-6858-06-2, | PDF
Heege, T., Viacheslav, K., & Odermatt, D. (2008). How can I map water constituent concentrations? Fitoka, E. & Keramitsoglou, I. (Eds.), Mapping Wetlands using Earth Observation Techniques, pp. 90-91, MedWet, ISBN: 978-960-6858-06-2, | PDF
Kellenberger, T.W., Borgeaud, M., Frei, U., Holecz, F., Itten, K., Mätzler, C., Streilein, A., & Wunderle, S. (2008). Significance of Earth Observation for Switzerland. Kellenberger, T. (Ed.), Swiss Commission for Remote Sensing SCRS (Member of the Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT), p. 32
Liang, S., Schaepman, M.E., Jackson, T., Jupp, D., Li, J., Liu, J., Liu, R., Strahler, A., Townshend, J., & Wickland, D. (2008). Emergeing issues in land remote sensing. Liang, S. (Ed.), Advances in Land Remote Sensing: System, Modeling, Inversion and Application, pp. 485-494, Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4020-6449-4, | PDF
Liang, S., Schaepman, M.E., & Kneubühler, M. (2008). Remote Sensing Signatures: Measurements, Modeling and Applications. Li, Z., Chen, J. & Baltsavias, M. (Eds.), Advances in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science: 2008 ISPRS Congress Book, pp. 127-144. London (UK), Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN: 978-0-415-47805-2, | PDF


Buehler, Y., & Kellenberger, T.W. (2007). Geomatics Solutions for Disaster Management. Li, J., Zlatanova, S. & Fabbri, A. (Eds.), pp. 49-60. Berlin (D), Springer
Schaepman, M.E., & Kooistra, L. (2007). Combining imaging spectroscopy and modelling for regional ecosystem mapping. Environmental Sciences Group, Wageningen UR (Ed.), Your environment is our concern - A catalogue of worldwide environmental research by Alterra and the Environmental Sciences Department of Wageningen University, pp. 90-93. Wageningen (NL), Environmental Sciences Group, Wageningen UR
Schaepman, M.E., Liang, S., Groot, N.E., & Kneubühler, M. (2007). Proccedings of the 10th Intl. Symposium on Physical Measurements and Spectral Signatures in Remote Sensing (ISPMSRS'07). 10th Intl. Symposium on Physical Measurements and Spectral Signatures in Remote Sensing (ISPMSRS). Schaepman, M.E., Liang, S., Groot, N.E. & Kneubühler, M. (Eds.), Davos (CH), ISPRS, p. 620
Schaepman, M.E., Liang, S., & Kneubühler, M. (2007). Conference Programme - ISPMSRS'07 Cutting Edge Research. 10th Intl. Symposium on Physical Measurements and Spectral Signatures in Remote Sensing (ISPMSRS), Davos (CH), WUR, p. 32, | PDF
Schaepman, M.E., Malenovký, Z., Mücher, C.E., Kooistra, L., & Thullier, W. (2007). Bridging Scaling Gaps for the Assessment of Biodiversity from Space. Secretariat, GEO (Ed.), The Full Picture, pp. 258-261. Geneva (CH), Tudor Rose, ISBN: 978-92-990047-0-8, | PDF
Verrelst, J., & Schaepman, M.E. (2007). Damage assessment of a coastal plain based on satellite imagery. Environmental Sciences Group, Wageningen UR (Ed.), Your environment is our concern - A catalogue of worldwide environmental research by Alterra and the Environmental Sciences Department of Wageningen University, pp. 78-81. Wageningen (NL), Environmental Sciences Group, Wageningen UR
Zimmermann, N.E., Washington-Allen, R.A., Ramsey, R.D., Schaepman, M.E., Mathys, L., Koetz, B., Kneubühler, M., & Edwards, T.C. (2007). Modern Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring of Landscape States and Trajectories. Kienast, F., Wildi, O. & Ghosh, S. (Eds.), A Changing World - Challenges for Landscape Research, pp. 65-92. Dordrecht (NL), Springer, | PDF


Buehler, Y., Kellenberger, T.W., Small, D., & Itten, K.I. (2006). Rapid mapping with remote sensing data during flooding 2005 in Switzerland by object-based methods: a case study. Martin-Duque, J.F., Brebbia, C.A. & Emmanouloudis, D. (Eds.), pp. 391-400, Witpress
Kaiser, J.W., Nieke, J., Schläpfer, D., Brazile, J., & Itten, K.I. (2006). The atmospheric sensitivity of the airborne imaging spectrometer APEX. Fischer, H. & Sohn, B.J. (Eds.), IRS 2004: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation. Hampton, VA (USA), A. Depaak Publishing
Simon, P.C., Hollingsworth, A., Carli, B., Källen, E., Rott, H., et al. (2006). The Changing Earth. Battrick, B. (Ed.), p. 83. Noordwijk (NL), ESA, | PDF
Van Reet, G., Heil, G.W., Rulkens, W.H., Smets, B.F., van Dam-Mieras, R., et al. (2006). De onderwijsvisitatie Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: Een evaluatie van de kwaliteit van de opleidingen Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen en de masters in de deeldomeinen Bio-informatics and Molecular Biology, Land and Water Resources en Nutrition and Food Technology aan de Vlaamse Universiteiten, Brussels (BE), VLIR - Vlaamse Interuniveristaire Raad, p. 496


Liang, S., Liu, J., Li, X., Liu, R., & Schaepman, M.E. (2005). The 9th International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing. Intl. Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. ISPRS (Ed.), Beijing (CHN), ISPRS, p. 854, | PDF
Schaepman, M.E. (2005). Spectrodirectional Remote Sensing: From Pixels to Processes, Wageningen (NL), WUR, p. 56, | PDF


Abdou, W.A., Barker-Schaaf, C., Beisl, U., Boucher, Y., Briottet, X., et al. (2004). Reflection Properties of Vegetation and Soil - with a BRDF Data Base. 1st edition, Berlin (D), Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, p. 352
Bruegge, C.J., Schaepman, M.E., Strub, G., Beisl, U., Itten, K.I., et al. (2004). Field Measurements of Bi-Directional Reflectance. von Schoenermark, M., Geiger, B. & Roeser, H.-P. (Eds.), Reflection Properties of Vegetation and Soil with a BRDF Database, p. 352. Berlin, Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, 3-89685-565-4
Loedeman, J.-H., van Vierssen, W., Schaepman, M.E., Bregt, A., Nieuwenhuis, G., Bartelink, H., Molenaar, M., & Crompvoets, J. (2004). Put on the map - History and future of geo-information in Wageningen. Loedeman, J.-H. (Ed.), p. 61. Wageningen (NL), WUR, | PDF
Schaepman, M.E., Koetz, B., Schaepman-Strub, G., Zimmermann, N.E., & Itten, K.I. (2004). Quantitative retrieval of biogeophysical characteristics using imaging spectroscopy - a mountain forest case study. Feldmeyer-Christe, E., Ghosh, S., Wildi, O., Zimmermann, N.E. & Podani, J. (Eds.), Modern Approaches in Vegetation Monitoring, p. 143. Budapest (HU), Akadémiai Kiadó, | PDF
Strub, G., Beisl, U., Schaepman, M., & Itten, K.I. (2004). Field BRDF Measurements Supporting Imaging Spectrometer Data Analysis. Geiger, B., Röser, H.P. & Schönermark, M. (Eds.), Reflection properties of Vegetation and Soil - with a BRDF Data Base, Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, p. 352, ISBN 3-89685-565-4


2003 and before
Chuvieco, E., Riano, D. & Morsdorf, F. (2003). Wildland Fire Danger Estimation and Mapping - The Role of Remote Sensing Data, World Scientific
Schaepman, M.E. (2000). Iran Exkursion 2000. Dept. of Geography, University of Zurich (CH), p. 116
Hosgood, B., Sandmeier, S., Piironen, J., Andreoli, G., & Koechler, C. (1999). Goniometers, Webster, J.G. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley, New York, pp. 424-433
Schweitzer, W., Maas, D., Hardmeier, T., Dangel, S., Czuczman, F., Schaepman, M., & Wagen, M. (1999). Histopathological findings in TMR. Okada, M. (Ed.), Current topics in TMR (Chapter 33), Tokyo: Springer, 2001
Itten, K.I., Meyer, P., Kellenberger, T., Leu, R., Sandmeier, S., Bitter, P., & Seidel, K. (1995). Digital Forest Mapping of Alpine Regions - Correction of the Impact of Topography and Atmosphere. Beckel, L. (Ed.), Satellite Remote Sensing Forest Atlas of Europe, pp. 60-61, Justus Perthes Gotha
Itten, K.I., Meyer, P., Kellenberger, T., Schaepman, M., Sandmeier, S., Leiss, I., & Erdös, S. (1993). Alpine and Subalpine Landuse and Ecosystems Mapping, Hill, J. Mégier & J. (Eds.), Imaging Spectrometry as a Tool for Environmental Observations, Euro Courses, pp. 285-294