2019 |
Bertschi, Sonja GEO | Detection of floating plastic waste using imaging spectroscopy PDF | Dr. Andreas Hüni Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Hafner, Sebastian GEO | Multitemporal land cover classification using synthetic optical satellite data in Switzerland PDF | Dr. Hendrik Wulf Dr. Charlotte Steinmeier Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Hagmayer, Simon GEO | Monitoring arctic snow and ice melt using SAR gamma nought backscatter, passive microwave- and scatterometer instruments PDF | Dr. David Small Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Helfenstein, Isabelle Spec. MA | Functional diversity from physiological forest traits across different spatial scales and optical sensors: attempts of mapping biodiversity from space PDF | Dr. Hendrik Wulf Dr. Fabian D. Schneider Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Luck, Manuel Spec. MA | Morphological Traits in a Temperate Forest: Comparing UAV-LS and TLS Point Clouds PDF | PD Dr. Felix Morsdorf Daniel Kükenbrink Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
2018 |
Czyz, Ewa Agata Spec. MA | Detecting intraspecific genetic variation in the Laegern temperate forest using airborne imaging spectroscopy time series. PDF | Carla Guillén Escriba Dr. Hendrik Wulf Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Klee, Tobias GEO | Scaling from Plant Phenology to Land Surface Phenology at Biodiversity Test Sites, Using Phenocam and Satellite Imagery PDF | Dr. Rogier De Jong Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Sassik, Bernhard GEO | Quantifying Grassland Degradation in the Borana Zone (Ethiopia) PDF | Dr. Hendrik Wulf Rogier Dejong Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Sturm, Joan Tracy Spec. MA | General Flowering in Malaysian Borneo shown in Spatial Variability of Phenocam Indices PDF | Dr. Rogier De Jong Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Vögtli, Marius GEO | Land surface dynamics of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and adjacent Greenland observed using optical and SAR time series PDF | Dr. David Small Dr. Rogier De Jong Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
2017 |
Fornallaz, Fabio
| Mapping and analysis of bare soil in the Swiss agricultural area using Landsat-8 data and Google Earth Engine PDF | Dr. Rogier De Jong Sanne Diek Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Kraft, Basil
| Measuring plant traits - a comparison of imaging spectroscopy and a functional trait database PDF | Prof. Dr. Alexander Damm Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Moergeli, Franziska Jill
| GM Soy in Argentina - Feeding or Eating the World? Detecting and Explaining Land Use Change in the Pampa Húmeda PDF | Prof. Dr. Alexander Damm Prof. Dr. Christian Berndt |
Roth, Sandra Iris Bianca
| Automated Detection of Single Clove Trees for Yield Quantification in North-Eastern Madagascar based on Multi-Spectral Satellite Data PDF | Dr. Philip Claudio Jörg Reik Leiterer Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Rüetschi, Marius
| Using multitemporal Sentinel-1 C-band backscatter to monitor phenology and classify deciduous and coniferous forests in northern Switzerland PDF | Dr. David Small Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Speckert, Tiziana
| Environmental stress impacts on plant functioning: Insights from common and new Earth observation approaches PDF | Prof. Dr. Alexander Damm Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
2016 |
Arbogast, Bernadette
| Vegetation trends in Switzerland in relation to land cover and climate - A 15-year time series analysis PDF | Dr. Rogier De Jong Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Böhler, Katharina
| Differences in Phenology in the Swiss National Park over 5 Years PDF | Dr. Mathias Kneubühler Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Bruggisser, Moritz
| Retrieval of higher order statistical moments from full-waveform LiDAR data for tree species classification PDF | PD Dr. Felix Morsdorf Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Fawcett, Dominic
| Combining Imaging Spectroscopy, Digital Object Models, and 3D Canopy Modelling to Advance Retrievals of Vegetation Information over Forest Ecosystems PDF | Prof. Dr. Alexander Damm Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Gees, Tiziana
| Assessing progress towards Aichi Biodiversity Targets: Contributions and limitations of Essential Biodiversity Variables PDF | Daniela Braun Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Henry, Claudio
| Improved leaf biochemical constituent retrieval using the theory of spectral invariants to correct hyperspectral remote sensing data for canopy structural effects PDF | Prof. Dr. Alexander Damm Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Jäger, David
| Wide-area wet snow mapping of the Alps based on Sentinel-1 multi-track radar backscatter composites PDF | Dr. David Small Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Ott, Philippe
| Quantification and mitigation of atmosphere-induced effects on repeat-pass differential SAR interferometry over the Volcano Piton de la Fournaise PDF | Dr. David Small Dr. Adrian Schubert Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Zurschmiede, Gabriel
| Bewertung von Waldrandaufwertungsmassnahmen im Kanton Zürich mit Laserscanning: Ableitung und Analyse von Strukturattributen PDF | PD Dr. Felix Morsdorf Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
2015 |
Hänseler, Jonas
| Assessing the Potential of Satellite Rapid Mapping for Mitigating Flood Events in Switzerland PDF | Dr. Philip Claudio Jörg Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Jacquemart, Mylène
| Unveiling debris flows - Inferring debris-flow characteristics from vertical laser profile scanner data PDF | PD Dr. Felix Morsdorf Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Schenkel, David
| Impact of Climatic Controls on Global Changes in Land Surface Phenology PDF | Dr. Rogier De Jong Dr. Irene Garonna Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Utzinger, Fiona Diana
| Creation of synthetic imaging spectroscopy time series from airborne and ground based spectral data PDF | Dr. Andreas Hüni Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
2014 |
Böhler, Jonas
| Discrimination of Agricultural Crop Types Using a Spectral-Spatial Unmixing Approach PDF | Dr. Mathias Kneubühler Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Kellenberger, Benjamin
| Relating Forest Productivity to Environmental Conditions by Means of Multiple ALS-derived Variables PDF | PD Dr. Felix Morsdorf Prof. Dr. Ross Purves Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Kükenbrink, Daniel
| Biomass estimation from polarimetric L-band SAR data over Swiss temperate forests PDF | Dr. David Small PD Dr. Felix Morsdorf Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Rohner, Christoph
| Relating Snow Wetness Information Gained from the Intercantonal Measurement and Information System Stations in Switzerland to Envisat ASAR Backscatter PDF | Dr. David Small Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Spindler, Nadine
| Klassifizierung alpiner Natura 2000 Lebensräume auf der Basis von Rapideye Daten PDF | Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
2013 |
Bösch, Sarah
| Spectral assessment of peatlands in Canton Zug (CH) using imaging spectrometer data - a feasibility study | Dr. Mathias Kneubühler Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Christinger, Ryan
| Spectroscopy of plant xanthophyll cycle in various illumination and temperature conditions | Prof. Dr. Alexander Damm Dr. Mathias Kneubühler Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Lee, Marco
| Untersuchung von Radar Rückstreuverhalten im S- und X-Band zwecks Klassifikation von Siedlungsräumen | Dr. David Small Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |
Schneider, Fabian Daniel
| Simulating Imaging Spectrometer Data: 3D Forest Modeling Based on LiDAR and In Situ Data | PD Dr. Felix Morsdorf Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman |