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Department of Geography Remote Sensing Spectroscopy

A massage with images of nature

In the exhibition "Mirror of Nature: Biodiversity through the Lens of Technology and Art", the installation "Natural Images Massage" developed by Claudia Röösli and Jochem Braakhekke in collaboration with Katharina Weikl (Art x Science UZH) and the Chinese artist Han Bo was shown at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Shanghai. Lying down on a massage bed, visitors watched time-lapse satellite images that show the progressive destruction of biodiversity on our planet with alarming clarity.

Rhone Glacier

The exhibition was organized by the UZH in collaboration with Swissnex in China. It took place from December 15 to January 15 at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Shanghai and was a transdisciplinary exploration of global biodiversity loss through art and science.

Anthropocentric arrogance
UZH News, 22.01.2024

Natural Images Massage 自然影像按摩 (in German)
Claudia Röösli and Jochem Braakhekke, Department of Geography UZH in collaboration with Katharina Weikl (Art x Science UZH) and HAN Bo.


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Claudia Röösli, Dr.
Remote Sensing


Jochem Braakhekke
Remote Sensing
