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Department of Geography Remote Sensing Spectroscopy

Genes from space

Earth observation plays a crucial role in monitoring efforts to quantify biodiversity decline. Claudia Röösli and Meredith C. Schuman have now formed an International Space Science Institute International Team to leverage earth observation technologies to monitor essential genetic diversity.

Genes from space

Earth’s biodiversity is declining into a sixth mass extinction. International monitoring efforts attempt to quantify this decline and facilitate accountability measures for mitigation. A growing set of essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) enables comparable, interpretable and actionable monitoring data, but monitoring is still limited by observation and sampling effort. Earth observation (EO) can lift that limit by providing repeated, potentially global observations independently of, or extrapolating from in situ sampling.

Claudia Röösli and Meredith C. Schuman have now formed an International Space Science Institute International Team to leverage Earth Observation (EO) technologies to monitor essential genetic diversity.

The legacy will be a set of diverse and impactful deliverables including research papers, presentations, and dissemination materials (brochures, infographics, interactive interface) for the public and policymakers in time for the current development of a global biodiversity monitoring system. Updates will be shared via the team website, and the first meeting will take place in July 2023.


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Prof. Meredith C. Schuman
Spatial Genetics, Department of Geography, UZH

Dr. Claudia Röösli
Remote Sensing, Department of Geography, UZH