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Department of Geography Remote Sensing Spectroscopy

APEX Imaging Campaign 2019

The APEX Airborne Imaging Spectrometer campaign 2019 is currently under way with various target areas being acquired across Europe.

APEX operated for the first time out of Duebendorf airbase (LSMD) on the 19thof June 2019.
Basing on LSMD offers greater flexibility to target science missions close to Zurich. These flight operations are carried out in the framework of the UZH Space Hub (

Flight operations can be followed by checking the APEX Twitter on

We would like to thank the Swiss Air Force for their support of APEX flight missions.

Laegeren test site as seen from HB-TEN.

Laegeren test site as seen from HB-TEN.

APEX payload operator Simon Trim (UZH) is checking the line-up process.
APEX payload operator Simon Trim (UZH) is checking the line-up process.
Refuelling of the HB-TEN aircraft at LSMD.

Refuelling of the HB-TEN aircraft at LSMD.
