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Department of Geography Geography Teacher Training

Andreas Linsbauer
Andreas Linsbauer, Dr.
Group leader

Geography Teacher Training
Glaciology and Geomorphodynamics

Tel.: 044 63 55208
Room number: Y25 L 32

Research Interests

  • Monitoring and modelling climate-glacier interactions
  • Climate change impacts on the high mountain cryosphere
  • Adaptation to climate change and risks in mountain regions
  • Communication of glacier and climate changes

My research interests are related to represent impacts of climate change in mountainous regions (especially the cryosphere) by working with environmental, spatial and climate data, field measurements and modelling tools. I have a special focus on impacts of climate change in mountain regions and their implications for development activities and communities. In addition, I am interested in ways of know-how transfer, explaining scientific content to a non-scientific audience, teaching on the graduate and postgraduate level, and collaborating with people from various backgrounds and cultures.

My own Research Group is called: Climate and Glacier Change in Communication

I am part of the units GTT (Geography Teacher Training) and 3G (Glaciology and Geomorphodynamics)


Current Projects

since 2022 IceAgeCam
Funded by Swiss National Science Foundation SNF as Agora project for science communication. A collaboration with University of Lausanne (UniL), Zurich University of Arts (ZHdK), tweaklab and Restaurant Felsenegg.
An engaging installation placed at an easy reachable public vantage point providing an interactive view on ice ages and climate change (UZH news).
since 2016 Glacier Monitoring Switzerland (GLAMOS)
Jointly operated by the ETH Zurich and the Universities of Fribourg and Zurich in close contact with the Cryospheric Commission (CC).Funded by the Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU/FOEN), MeteoSwiss within the framework of GCOS Switzerland and the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT).
Glacier Monitoring in Switzerland (GLAMOS) systematically documents and monitors long-term glacier changes in the Swiss Alps.

Past Projects

2020-2021 The new Swiss Glacier Inventory 2016
Compiling a high-detailed glacier inventory form a topographical dataset.
2019-2020 VR Glacier Experience
Financed by the Graubündner Kantonalbank anniversary project #gkb2020
Virtual tours around the Morteratsch glacier make local impacts of global climate change understandable and tangible. A collaboration with Zurich University of Arts (ZHdK) and University of Fribourg (UniFR).
2019-2020 GLAMOS data portal
Establishing a new data portal where GLAMOS data are freely available and may be used for scientific and non-commercial use.
2018-2020 Expedition 2 °C
Funded by Swiss National Science Foundation SNF as Agora project for science communication. A collaboration with University of Fribourg (UniFR), Zurich University of Arts (ZHdK), University of Teacher Education Graubünden (PHGR), the Swiss National Park (SNP) and the World Nature Forum (WNF).
A virtual experience in the high mountain environment of Aletsch glacier kames tangible a global temperature increase of 2 degrees.
2018 Initiative towards a communication strategy of the Swiss Cryosphere Monitoring Network
Funded by MeteoSwiss in the frame of GCOS Switzerland.
All the partners involved in Swiss cryospheric monitoring networks were brought together, to work out the basic components of a joint communications strategy.
link to report
2017-2018 Recent and future EVOlution of Glacial LAkes in China (EVOGLAC): Spatio-temporal diversity and hazard potential
Funded by Swiss National Science Foundation SNF.
Investigation of the current and future development of glacial lakes and their hazard potential under different climatic, geomorphological and topographical conditions.
2016-2017 Scenarios of glacier evolution for the catchment of Vierwaldstättersee/Reuss
Research project funded by the Aufsichtskommission Vierwaldstättersee in the frame of the BAFU/FOEN project Wasserknappheitskarten
2016 Preparing for future mass movements triggered by earthquakes and monsoon events in the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) – learning from the 2015 Nepal event
FLASH research project, funded by EPFL Leading House for the development and coordination of joint research cooperation programmes and State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).
The IHR is a high-risk zone for earthquakes and heavy monsoon rainfalls, which both can trigger disastrous mass movements, in particular from changing glacial-periglacial environments. Based on the Nepal 2015 event the project provided predisposition knowledge for the IHR in order to be better prepared for similar events in future.
2015-2017 EKK Cryosphere web portal (Swiss Cryospheric Commission, EKK)
Funded by Federal Office for the Environment, BAFU/FOEN.
The Swiss Cryospheric Commission established a web portal to provide selected representative cryosphere monitoring data to a wider non-scientific audience. This web portal links the individual cryospheric monitoring networks on glaciers (GLAMOS), permafrost (PERMOS) and snow (SNOMOS).
2013-2016 Indian Himalayan Climate Adaptation Program (IHCAP)
Funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, SDC/DEZA.
The project aimed at strengthening the capacities of Indian institutions in climate science, with a specific focus on glaciology and related areas, as well as institutional capacities of Himalayan states in India on adaptation planning, implementation and policy. The project built on capacity and knowledge enhancement related to three pillars: (i) Scientific and technical knowledge cooperation between Indian and Swiss scientific institutions, (ii) Strengthening Institutions for adaptation measures among vulnerable communities, and (iii) Mainstreaming adaptation policies for improved action in the Indian Himalayan Region
2013-2014 Morphological characteristics of glacial overdeepenings
Funded by National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Nagra.
A study to complement numerical modelling on glacial erosion and sedimentation processes with insights from empirical-quantitative data on the morphology of glacial landforms.
2012 Meta Data Browser on glacier fluctuation data
World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS)
Implementing the first Meta Data Browser (version 1.0) on glacier fluctuation data hosted by the WGMS.
2008-2012 PhD project CC-GlinCH: Climate change impacts on glaciers in Switzerland, funded within the framework of the research projects CCHydro (funded by Swiss Federal Office of Environment, BAFU/FOEN) and Climate change and hydropower (funded by Swiss Federal Office of Energy, BFE/SFOE, Swisselectric Research, the Canton of Valais and Forces Motrices Valaisannes, FMV) on hydrological discharge in light of climate change.
The project CC-GlinCH aimed at modelling glacier thickness, bed topography and future glacier development with simplified approaches and techniques that only require a minimum of (easily available) data and can thus be rapidly applied on a large regional scale.

