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Department of Geography Geochronology

MSc Theses

If not available below, PDFs of Masters' theses can be found in the library catalogue of the University of Zurich.

Ongoing MSc Theses

Brandes, Seraina
The forest dieback during the 1970s and 1980s in Central Europe - A retrospective analysis using tree-ring width and stable isotopes
Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini
Dr. Stefan Klesse
Dr. Matthias Saurer
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Dassié, Micaela
Improving the quality of life of urban trees in the City of Zurich
Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
den Boer, Annette
Characterizing Soil Organic Carbon Fractions in the Corleone Region: its relation to pedogenesis and soil mass redistribution
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Erni, Sophia
Soil erosion in the proposed Geopark of Corleone, Sicily (IT) determined by 239+240-Plutonium
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Prof. Dr. Salvatore Raimondi
Holdener, Silja
In search of the origin for red discoloration of tree bark on Larix decidua Mill. in Savognin, Switzerland.
Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini
Dr. Holger Gärtner
Prof. Dr. Arthur Gessler
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Känzig, Valentino
Dendrochemical tree-ring analysis on Mt. Etna for a
better understanding of the pre-eruptive enhanced
photosynthesis signal in 2001 and 2002.
Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Karzig, Maurin
Dendrogeomorphic Analysis of the Influence of Landslides on the Growth of Picea
abies (L.) Karst on an Alpine Slope near Elm, Canton of Glarus, Switzerland
Dr. Holger Gärtner
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Mikosch, Céline
Reconstructing the Pre-Caldera Volcanic Landscape
and Magmatic Conditions Prior to the Catastrophic
Kos Plateau Tuff Eruption (South Aegean Sea, Greece)
Prof. Dr. Olivier Bachmann
Dr. Razvan-Gabriel Popa
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Oberholzer, Jan
The persistence of organic matter in reclaimed soils
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Ciriaco McMackin
Paltenghi, Nicola
Tree Rings as Indicators of Different Reactions to Drought in Urban Trees
Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli

Completed MSc Theses

Amrein, Simon
Soil dynamics related to the escarpment retreat of a quartz sandstone in a sedimentary tableland: Data analysis of Pu-Isotopes and soil properties from a catena at Urwisko Batorowskie in the Stołowe Mountains in Poland PDF
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Bührer, Cédric
Soil organic carbon vulnerability in Swiss alpine soils: The effect of elevation and parent material on carbon pools and fluxes PDF
Dr. Frank Hagedorn
Annegret Udke
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Bringolf, Andrea Lina
Landslide reconstruction and monitoring in Brienz based on dendrogeomorphology PDF
Dr. Holger Gärtner
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Schaffner, Sebastian
Glacial dynamics on Disko Island, Greenland: Origin and Timing of erratic boulders deposition PDF
Dr. Gerald Raab
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Wallimann, Lukas
Impacts of Reconstructed Soils on CO2 Emissions in the Bernese Three Lakes Region PDF
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
PD Dr. Guido Lars Bruno Wiesenberg
Weber, Kurt
Foliar penetration of silver nanoparticles in 3 tree species: role of macro and micro-structures of leaves in foliar penetration PDF
Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini
Paula Ballikaya
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Barigazzi, Mattias
How do wood anatomy and physiological processes influence maximum tree height? PDF
Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini
Prof. Dr. John David Marshall
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Bernasconi, Davide
Using tree rings to assess the air quality in Klosters, Switzerland PDF
Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini
Mrs. Paula Ballikaya
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Gemperle, Jana
Covid-19 grounding - Monitoring air pollution at Zurich Airport during the pandemic using trees as bio-indicators PDF
Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini
Paula Ballikaya
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Rüegg, Philipp
Tree-ring based reconstruction of past snow
avalanches using two tree species at a slope in the
Göscheneralp PDF
Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini
Dr. Holger Gärtner
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Stauffer, Samira
Temporal evolution of soil erosion in the Geopark Estrela (Portugal) PDF
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Bösiger, Michèle
Enhanced carbon sequestration and soil productivity with land improvement – a case study on orchards and vineyards in Sicily PDF
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Prof. Salvatore Raimondi
Dollenmeier, Wasja
Determination of soil disturbances in Geopark Estrela (Portugal) PDF
Dr. Gerald Raab
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Püntener, Dario
Soil Erosion and Age Determination of Soils in a Forest-steppe Ecosystem in Cluj-Napoca, Romania PDF
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Prof. Dr. Pavel Samonil
Schadegg, Jürg
Dendrogeomorphologische Untersuchung einer Rutschung
oberhalb von Ferden, VS PDF
Holger Gaertner
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Gargano, Alice
Tree-ring analyses to understand the impact of increasing drought frequency and severity on cacao trees in Ivory Coast (West Africa). PDF
Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Kessler, Michael Thomas
Tree-ring records from Isla Hermite, Cape Horn: The possibility of detecting a signal of westerly winds PDF
Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
Passardi, Silvia
Wood anatomical response of Fokienia hodginsii to climate in Vietnam PDF
Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini
Dr. Brendan M. Buckley
Prof. Dr. Markus Egli
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