Ongoing MSc Theses
Brandes, Seraina GEO | The forest dieback during the 1970s and 1980s in Central Europe - A retrospective analysis using tree-ring width and stable isotopes | Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini Dr. Stefan Klesse Dr. Matthias Saurer Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Dassié, Micaela GEO | Improving the quality of life of urban trees in the City of Zurich | Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
den Boer, Annette GEO | Characterizing Soil Organic Carbon Fractions in the Corleone Region: its relation to pedogenesis and soil mass redistribution | Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Erni, Sophia GEO | Soil erosion in the proposed Geopark of Corleone, Sicily (IT) determined by 239+240-Plutonium | Prof. Dr. Markus Egli Prof. Dr. Salvatore Raimondi |
Holdener, Silja ESS | In search of the origin for red discoloration of tree bark on Larix decidua Mill. in Savognin, Switzerland. | Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini Dr. Holger Gärtner Prof. Dr. Arthur Gessler Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Känzig, Valentino GEO | Dendrochemical tree-ring analysis on Mt. Etna for a better understanding of the pre-eruptive enhanced photosynthesis signal in 2001 and 2002. | Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Karzig, Maurin GEO | Dendrogeomorphic Analysis of the Influence of Landslides on the Growth of Picea abies (L.) Karst on an Alpine Slope near Elm, Canton of Glarus, Switzerland | Dr. Holger Gärtner Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Mikosch, Céline ESS | Reconstructing the Pre-Caldera Volcanic Landscape and Magmatic Conditions Prior to the Catastrophic Kos Plateau Tuff Eruption (South Aegean Sea, Greece) | Prof. Dr. Olivier Bachmann Dr. Razvan-Gabriel Popa Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Oberholzer, Jan GEO | The persistence of organic matter in reclaimed soils | Prof. Dr. Markus Egli Ciriaco McMackin |
Paltenghi, Nicola GEO | Tree Rings as Indicators of Different Reactions to Drought in Urban Trees | Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Completed MSc Theses
2024 | ||
Amrein, Simon GEO | Soil dynamics related to the escarpment retreat of a quartz sandstone in a sedimentary tableland: Data analysis of Pu-Isotopes and soil properties from a catena at Urwisko Batorowskie in the Stołowe Mountains in Poland PDF | Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Bührer, Cédric GEO | Soil organic carbon vulnerability in Swiss alpine soils: The effect of elevation and parent material on carbon pools and fluxes PDF | Dr. Frank Hagedorn Annegret Udke Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
2023 | ||
Bringolf, Andrea Lina GEO | Landslide reconstruction and monitoring in Brienz based on dendrogeomorphology PDF | Dr. Holger Gärtner Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Schaffner, Sebastian GEO | Glacial dynamics on Disko Island, Greenland: Origin and Timing of erratic boulders deposition PDF | Dr. Gerald Raab Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Wallimann, Lukas GEO | Impacts of Reconstructed Soils on CO2 Emissions in the Bernese Three Lakes Region PDF | Prof. Dr. Markus Egli PD Dr. Guido Lars Bruno Wiesenberg |
Weber, Kurt GEO | Foliar penetration of silver nanoparticles in 3 tree species: role of macro and micro-structures of leaves in foliar penetration PDF | Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini Paula Ballikaya Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
2022 | ||
Barigazzi, Mattias GEO | How do wood anatomy and physiological processes influence maximum tree height? PDF | Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini Prof. Dr. John David Marshall Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Bernasconi, Davide GEO | Using tree rings to assess the air quality in Klosters, Switzerland PDF | Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini Mrs. Paula Ballikaya Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Gemperle, Jana GEO | Covid-19 grounding - Monitoring air pollution at Zurich Airport during the pandemic using trees as bio-indicators PDF | Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini Paula Ballikaya Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Rüegg, Philipp GEO | Tree-ring based reconstruction of past snow avalanches using two tree species at a slope in the Göscheneralp PDF | Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini Dr. Holger Gärtner Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Stauffer, Samira GEO | Temporal evolution of soil erosion in the Geopark Estrela (Portugal) PDF | Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
2021 | ||
Bösiger, Michèle GEO | Enhanced carbon sequestration and soil productivity with land improvement – a case study on orchards and vineyards in Sicily PDF | Prof. Dr. Markus Egli Prof. Salvatore Raimondi |
Dollenmeier, Wasja GEO | Determination of soil disturbances in Geopark Estrela (Portugal) PDF | Dr. Gerald Raab Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Püntener, Dario GEO | Soil Erosion and Age Determination of Soils in a Forest-steppe Ecosystem in Cluj-Napoca, Romania PDF | Prof. Dr. Markus Egli Prof. Dr. Pavel Samonil |
Schadegg, Jürg GEO | Dendrogeomorphologische Untersuchung einer Rutschung oberhalb von Ferden, VS PDF | Holger Gaertner Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
2020 | ||
Gargano, Alice GEO | Tree-ring analyses to understand the impact of increasing drought frequency and severity on cacao trees in Ivory Coast (West Africa). PDF | Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Kessler, Michael Thomas GEO | Tree-ring records from Isla Hermite, Cape Horn: The possibility of detecting a signal of westerly winds PDF | Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |
Passardi, Silvia GEO | Wood anatomical response of Fokienia hodginsii to climate in Vietnam PDF | Prof. Dr. Paolo Cherubini Dr. Brendan M. Buckley Prof. Dr. Markus Egli |