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Department of Geography Geochronology


Geochronology Summer School

In collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), the Geochronology unit organizes a summer school in Bergün in the Swiss Alps every year. Interested researchers are invited to attend this inspiring week on dating anthropogenic and natural changes in a fragile Alpine environment.

More information: Geochronology Summer School website


Events organized by the Soil Science and Biogeochemistry Group and the Geochronology Group:

Forschungsforum: Biogeochemistry and Landscape Dynamics

  • Spring semester 2025, Wednesday, 16h15 - 17h00, room Y25-H-38
  • For researchers of the GIUZ. Students and other interested people are welcome.

GEO 511.2: Colloquium Physical Geography

  • Spring semester 2025, Tuesday, 10h15 - 12h00, room Y25-K-22
  • For master students and researchers of the GIUZ