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Department of Geography Remote Sensing of Water Systems

Radar Remote Sensing


RSL's activities in SAR data processing began in the early eighties with the calibration and analysis of spaceborne and airborne SAR data. The main research areas began with the development of geometric and radiometric correction methods as well as texture analysis and information extraction tools.

Today we are engaged in all major steps of the SAR data processing chain, namely SAR image focussing, geometric and radiometric calibration and corrections, image filtering, higher level composite product generation and interpretation methods. The main emphasis is on the extraction of geophysical parameters using time series, interferometric and polarimetric processing techniques as well as low frequency radar systems. The goal is to improve existing technologies and to develop new ones in SAR data processing in order to enhance information extraction capabilities in the future. We also focus on application development to maximise the utility of available SAR data, e.g. for monitoring of seasonal snow melting, forest damage and water cycling.

The SARLab consists of two sub-groups:


Group members

Affiliated scientists
