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Department of Geography Remote Sensing Spectroscopy

Jennifer Susan Adams
Jennifer Susan Adams, Dr.
Postdoctoral researcher

Remote Sensing Spectroscopy

Tel.: 044 63 55253
Room number: Y25 J 76


Jennifer Adams is a postdoc in the TIRLab, and Remote Sensing of Water Systems (RSWS) at RSL. She is interested in using thermal remote sensing to monitor forest health and dynamics, and focuses on trying to solve some of the challenges of measuring land surface temperature over forests. She is currently a co-chair of the EARSeL Thermal Remote Sensing Special Interest Group (Thermal SIG), which aims to bring together actors working on and with thermal data. 


2022- : Postdoc RS TIRLab and RSWS

2021-2022 : Earth Observation Instrument Specialist, Rhea for European Space Agency (ESA)

2018-2021 : Research Fellow at European Space Agency (ESA) Earth Observation Directorate

2014-2018 : Researcher at European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) 

2014-2018 : PhD Candidate at University Colleage London (UCL)

2012-2013 : MSc Environmenal Mapping, University College London (UCL)

2009-2012 : BSc Geography, University College London (UCL)