Ongoing MSc Theses
Beretta Grande, Eranthos GEO | Political Ecology of Populism: a case study of Upper Austria | Dr. Stephan Hochleithner Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Gärtner, Lea GEO | Negotiating sacred space: Islam, Gender and Space in Switzerland | Dr. Shona Loong Dominik Müller Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Gerber, Livio GEO | A Frontier of Imagination: The Impact of the Tourism Industry on the Geographical Imagination of Antarctica | Dr. Asebe Regassa Debelo Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Graf, Tobias GEO | Remaking the palm-oil frontier: Realities in West-Kalimantan | Dr. Asebe Regassa Debelo Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Keller, Oliver GEO | Die Gemeindeversammlung als Raum politischen Handelns: Perspektiven von Akteur:innen in der Gemeinde Weiningen | Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Plozza, Elisa GEO | Lombard Across the Border: A Case Study of Borderland Dynamics on Minority Language Revitalization | Dr. Shona Loong Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Raemy, Brandon GEO | Navigating Educational Resilience: A Case Study of Spring University Myanmar's Role in Post-Coup Myanmar | Dr. Shona Loong Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Steiger, Mirjam GEO | Unpacking Racial Geographies of Colonialism & Coloniality of Tourism Imaginaries and Encounters. An Exploration of the Case Study Bocas del Toro | Dr. Shona Loong Dr. Jasnea Sarma Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Tolusso, Olivia GEO | Exploring Producer-Buyer Relationships: Organic & Conventional Cocoa Farming in Eastern Ghana | Dr. Asebe Regassa Debelo Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Welter, Michelle GEO | B/ordering the Banlieue: The Impact of Urban Infrastructure on Saint Denis Residents | Dr. Jasnea Sarma Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Widmer, Sophia GEO | To what extent must aid organizations make compromises in conflict situations? An analysis using the UNRWA debate in Switzerland as a case study | Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Completed MSc Theses
2024 | ||
Berglas, Gabriela GEO | Competing and Complimentary Framings in the National Irrigation Policy in Kyrgyzstan. A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Helvetas TIRIP project PDF | Dr. Asebe Regassa Debelo Bernd Steimann Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Mariniak, Mariia GEO | The Authenticity of Fado and Touristification: Implications of a Modern Phenomenon for the Perception of a Traditional Music Genre PDF | Dr. Timothy Raeymaekers Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Zeller, Livia GEO | Klimaaktivismus in der Schweiz: Die Entstehung neuer Politischer Subjektivitäten im Klimastreik PDF | Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
2023 | ||
Alessi, Daria GEO | Internal Borders, Bordering Processes and Intersectionality as Lived Experiences – A Case Study of Refugee Women in Switzerland PDF | Dr. Timothy Raeymaekers Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Gadze, Jan GEO | How Climate Change discourse manifests under a right-wing populist narrative framework, based on discourse analysis of the Swiss weekly magazine "Die Weltwoche" PDF | Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Joos, Linus GEO | Die Rückkehr der europäischen Rüstungspolitik PDF | Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Zinnenlauf, Rafael GEO | Tore schiessen für die Nation? Fussball und Identitätspolitik in der Schweiz PDF | Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
2022 | ||
Bernhard, Maxie GEO | Die Konstruktion der «Coronakrise» und ihre Implikationen für die Handlungsbefugnisse des Bundesrates - Eine diskursanalytische Untersuchung der Medienkonferenzen und Medienmitteilungen der Schweizer Bundesregierung von Januar 2020 bis Juni 2020 PDF | Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Grünenfelder, Marco GEO | Die Darstellung des Jurakonflikts in den Schweizerischen Medien (1964 - 2017) PDF | Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
van der Haegen, Thilo GEO | The Canadian Arctic Resource Frontier: Renegotiations of Space in a Changing Environment PDF | Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
2021 | ||
Grob, Marc GEO | Experiencing and Negotiating Everyday Liminality - A Case Study of Young Provisionally Admitted Foreigners in Switzerland PDF | Dr. Timothy Raeymaekers Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Landolt, Lara GEO | How do Swiss International Cooperation Stakeholders Frame the Role of the Private Sector for Sustainable Development? A Critical Discourse Analysis on the Controversies Around Switzerland’s New International Cooperation Strategy PDF | Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Niehaus, Sabrina Gabriella GEO | Die Aushandlung der Rolle Schweizer Entwicklungsorganisationen in der Politik und die Bedeutung von Recht im Diskurs - Eine Kritische Diskursanalyse am Fallbeispiel der Konzernverantwortungsinitiative PDF | Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Salzmann, Moritz GEO | Urbane Transformation in Basel. Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Entwicklungsgebiete Volta Nord und Westfeld. PDF | Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Seger, Vanessa GEO | Corona – eine Zeit beispielloser Solidarität? Die Auswirkungen der Covid-19-Pandemie auf das Schweizer Asylwesen und seine Asylsuchenden und Migrant*innen PDF | Dr. Timothy Raeymaekers Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
2020 | ||
Baumann, Heidi Spec. MA | The Native Friendship Center of Montreal: A Space of Expression for Urban Indigenous People | Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Burkart, Meret GEO | "Who gets certified?" Participation in the Fairmined Certification and its Added Values explained by Miners and NGO involved in Colombia PDF | Dr. Muriel Côte Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Duarte Torregroza, Lina Maria GEO | Legal clothes made by illegal people: A case study of working conditions and unionization of Senegalese street vendors in Barcelona | Dr. Timothy Raeymaekers Dr. Xavier Balaguer Rasillo Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Graber, Andrea Spec. MA | A Critical Analysis of the New Mining Company Town Kalumbila, Zambia PDF | Dr. Muriel Côte Dr. Stefan Leins Dr. Patience Mususa Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Jörin, Thierry GEO | The Potential of Public-Private Partnerships for Actors in Development Cooperation: The Case of Switzerland and the Better Gold Initiative | Dr. Muriel Côte Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Kobayashi, Hiromi Spec. MA | The dynamics of accepting refugees in Japan - Asylum policy and the immigration bureau- | Dr. Timothy Raeymaekers Prof. Dr. David Chiavacci Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Lienhard, Charlotte GEO | Linking Humanitarian Aid and Development through Local Capacity Building - Case Study on a Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project in Post-Earthquake Nepal PDF | Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |
Steinegger, Sarah Spec. MA | Resource Politics in Frontier Spaces: The Use and Governance of the Mangrove Ecosystem in Djangoa, North-Western Madagascar | Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf |