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Department of Geography Political Geography

MSc Theses

If not available below, PDFs of Masters' theses can be found in the library catalogue of the University of Zurich.

Ongoing MSc Theses

Beretta Grande, Eranthos
Political Ecology of Populism: a case study of Upper Austria
Dr. Stephan Hochleithner
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Gärtner, Lea
Negotiating sacred space: Islam, Gender and Space in Switzerland
Dr. Shona Loong
Dominik Müller
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Gerber, Livio
A Frontier of Imagination: The Impact of the Tourism Industry on the Geographical Imagination of Antarctica
Dr. Asebe Regassa Debelo
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Graf, Tobias
Remaking the palm-oil frontier: Realities in West-Kalimantan
Dr. Asebe Regassa Debelo
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Keller, Oliver
Die Gemeindeversammlung als Raum politischen Handelns: Perspektiven von Akteur:innen in der Gemeinde Weiningen
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Plozza, Elisa
Lombard Across the Border: A Case Study of Borderland Dynamics on Minority Language Revitalization
Dr. Shona Loong
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Raemy, Brandon
Navigating Educational Resilience: A Case Study of Spring University Myanmar's Role in Post-Coup Myanmar
Dr. Shona Loong
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Steiger, Mirjam
Unpacking Racial Geographies of Colonialism & Coloniality of Tourism Imaginaries and Encounters. An Exploration of the Case Study Bocas del Toro
Dr. Shona Loong
Dr. Jasnea Sarma
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Tolusso, Olivia
Exploring Producer-Buyer Relationships: Organic & Conventional Cocoa Farming in Eastern Ghana
Dr. Asebe Regassa Debelo
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Welter, Michelle
B/ordering the Banlieue: The Impact of Urban Infrastructure on Saint Denis Residents
Dr. Jasnea Sarma
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Widmer, Sophia
To what extent must aid organizations make compromises in conflict situations? An analysis using the UNRWA debate in Switzerland as a case study
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf

Completed MSc Theses

Berglas, Gabriela
Competing and Complimentary Framings in the National Irrigation Policy in Kyrgyzstan. A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Helvetas TIRIP project PDF
Dr. Asebe Regassa Debelo
Bernd Steimann
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Mariniak, Mariia
The Authenticity of Fado and Touristification: Implications of a Modern Phenomenon for the Perception of a Traditional Music Genre PDF
Dr. Timothy Raeymaekers
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Zeller, Livia
Klimaaktivismus in der Schweiz: Die Entstehung neuer Politischer Subjektivitäten im Klimastreik PDF
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Alessi, Daria
Internal Borders, Bordering Processes and Intersectionality as Lived Experiences – A Case Study of Refugee Women in Switzerland PDF
Dr. Timothy Raeymaekers
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Gadze, Jan
How Climate Change discourse manifests under a right-wing populist narrative framework, based on discourse analysis of the Swiss weekly magazine "Die Weltwoche" PDF
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Joos, Linus
Die Rückkehr der europäischen Rüstungspolitik PDF
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Zinnenlauf, Rafael
Tore schiessen für die Nation? Fussball und Identitätspolitik in der Schweiz PDF
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Bernhard, Maxie
Die Konstruktion der «Coronakrise» und ihre Implikationen für die Handlungsbefugnisse des Bundesrates - Eine diskursanalytische Untersuchung der Medienkonferenzen und Medienmitteilungen der Schweizer Bundesregierung von Januar 2020 bis Juni 2020 PDF
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Grünenfelder, Marco
Die Darstellung des Jurakonflikts in den Schweizerischen Medien (1964 - 2017) PDF
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
van der Haegen, Thilo
The Canadian Arctic Resource Frontier: Renegotiations of Space in a Changing Environment PDF
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Grob, Marc
Experiencing and Negotiating Everyday Liminality - A Case Study of Young Provisionally Admitted Foreigners in Switzerland PDF
Dr. Timothy Raeymaekers
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Landolt, Lara
How do Swiss International Cooperation Stakeholders Frame the Role of the Private Sector for Sustainable Development? A Critical Discourse Analysis on the Controversies Around Switzerland’s New International Cooperation Strategy PDF
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Niehaus, Sabrina Gabriella
Die Aushandlung der Rolle Schweizer
Entwicklungsorganisationen in der Politik und die
Bedeutung von Recht im Diskurs
Eine Kritische Diskursanalyse am Fallbeispiel der Konzernverantwortungsinitiative PDF
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Salzmann, Moritz
Urbane Transformation in Basel. Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Entwicklungsgebiete Volta Nord und Westfeld. PDF
Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Seger, Vanessa
Corona – eine Zeit beispielloser Solidarität?

Die Auswirkungen der Covid-19-Pandemie auf das Schweizer Asylwesen und seine Asylsuchenden und Migrant*innen PDF
Dr. Timothy Raeymaekers
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Baumann, Heidi
Spec. MA
The Native Friendship Center of Montreal: A Space of Expression for Urban Indigenous People
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Burkart, Meret
"Who gets certified?" Participation in the Fairmined Certification and its Added Values explained by Miners and NGO involved in Colombia PDF
Dr. Muriel Côte
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Duarte Torregroza, Lina Maria
Legal clothes made by illegal people: A case study of working conditions and unionization of Senegalese street vendors in Barcelona
Dr. Timothy Raeymaekers
Dr. Xavier Balaguer Rasillo
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Graber, Andrea
Spec. MA
A Critical Analysis of the New Mining Company Town Kalumbila, Zambia PDF
Dr. Muriel Côte
Dr. Stefan Leins
Dr. Patience Mususa
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Jörin, Thierry
The Potential of Public-Private Partnerships for Actors in Development Cooperation: The Case of Switzerland and the Better Gold Initiative
Dr. Muriel Côte
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Kobayashi, Hiromi
Spec. MA
The dynamics of accepting refugees in Japan
- Asylum policy and the immigration bureau-
Dr. Timothy Raeymaekers
Prof. Dr. David Chiavacci
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Lienhard, Charlotte
Linking Humanitarian Aid and Development through
Local Capacity Building -
Case Study on a Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project in Post-Earthquake Nepal PDF
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
Steinegger, Sarah
Spec. MA
Resource Politics in Frontier Spaces:
The Use and Governance of the Mangrove Ecosystem in Djangoa, North-Western Madagascar
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf
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