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Department of Geography Political Geography

Benedikt Korf at D-ARCH “Territory: Urbanism Beyond Neoliberalism”

Benedikt Korf will give an input on Michael Dear’s talk in the “Sessions on Territory: Urbanism Beyond Neoliberalism” organised by the ETH Zurich D-ARCH on Mai 14, 2018.

Urbanism Beyond Neoliberalism

SESSIONS ON TERRITORY are public debates on the political economy of architecture and territory within and beyond the neoliberal order. Urbanism, as architectural discipline, has been exhausted by the effects of neoliberal globalization—the power of the urban project has been diminished. The upcoming sessions want to ask “Whatever happened to urbanism?” by spurring debates that challenge the status quo. They bring together architects and other urban protagonists, who give a new meaning to the notion of a project for the urban realm. Every intervention will be followed by a discussion with invited respondents.

Sessions on Territory: Urbanism beyond Neoliberalism

Muriel Côte
