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Department of Geography Political Geography

Gatekeeping Access

Former master student Mengina Gilli, her supervisors Gretchen Walters and Muriel Côte, co-authored a paper in the journal Land entitled “Gatekeeping access: Shea land formalisation and the distribution of market-based conservation benefits in Ghana’s CREMA”

Two women roasting shea and ground nuts in Murugu, Ghana

Drawing on Mengina Gilli’s master thesis research, the paper shows the shortcomings of a market-based conservation logic in the context of connecting community-based conservation with certified shea global markets in Ghana. Rather than following a strictly individual profit-maximisation logic, shea producers engage with this conservation approach via the intermediation of “gatekeepers”, and their contested historical relations with state authorities. 

Link to Mengina Gilli's Master thesis

Link to the article in the Journal Land

Picture: Two women roasting shea and ground nuts in Murugu, Ghana (Photo taken by Mengina Gilli)
