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Department of Geography Glaciology and Geomorphodynamics

How the Alps inform polar research

At first glance, Switzerland might seem like an odd location for a summit on polar studies. But as a nation with high mountains, it is part of what researchers refer to as the “third pole” after North and South. This week the mountain resort of Davos welcomed 2,200 international scientists and decision makers for the POLAR2018 conference.

Meighen Ice Cap

It was the first time that mountain researchers - including Michael Zemp, director of the World Glacier Monitoring Service - were invited to join their polar colleagues for such a summit. “Climate change is a global problem. The poles and the mountains need to come together, and we as scientists need to join forces,” said Michael Zemp., 24 June 2018

World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS)

Photo from Glaciers online
