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Department of Geography

Welcome Package

Welcome as new employee at GIUZ!

On this page you will find important details about your new work environment.
For general information, please have a look at the UZH Welcome Package.


Grid containing content elements

Professional Ethics

GIUZ strives to provide an equal and inclusive learning, working, and living environment at our department.
Statement of Professional Ethics (EN)
Berufsethische Grundsätze (DE)


Key & UZH Card

Office keys: You will receive your key at the information desk
UZH Card (badge):  Your card/badge needs to be validated at one of the validation stations (they look like money dispensing machines) on campus. Locations and further information can be found here.

UZH Account

The UZH Central IT will issue a UZH IT account and send your login details to your working address. You can manage all your UZH passwords with the

UZH Identity Manager

IT Services

For all GIUZ-related IT matters, you can get in contact via e-mail, pass by in Y25 L 12 and check theIT Services documentation. There you will find instructions on how to set up your email account, printers, network drives, etc.

The IT Guru of your unit can assist you in configuring these tools.

Printing, Photocopying and Scanning

Device location, registering your UZH card, setting up printing on your computer, etc

For private copies you have a free quota of 600 clicks per year.
Printing Costs, checking your Balance and buying Additional Clicks

Poster printing / plotting is possible at the Department of Biochemistry, Y44-L-07.

OneDrive UZH

A cloud service that connects you to all your files. You can store and protect your files, share them with others and access them from anywhere with any of your devices. It has been specially designed and configured to meet the data privacy requirements of the UZH.

More information
Log in to Microsoft 365 UZH

MS Teams / Zoom

GIUZ is using collaborative tools, such as MS Teams and Zoom. You need to register with your UZH account.

RDS: GIUZ runs a Remote Desktop Server (RDS), hosting various research and teaching related software. You can access the RDS from your computer with Microsoft Remote Desktop client.

Reimbursement of Expenses

Expenses of UZH employees will be reimbursed via the Yokoy application
More information


Recycling at GIUZ

PET, paper, aluminium, glass, batteries, etc.
Infosheet (PDF, 538 KB)

Disposal of General Waste at UZH

Your personal page on

GIUZ Coffee room (Y25 L11)

The coffee room is open for everyone employed at GIUZ.

Coffee Room Directives and Rules
Coffee Room Duties

Room Booking

You can find all information on booking meeting rooms at GIUZ and Room Pool Irchel here.



Parcels are delivered to a cupboard in Y25 L49. All staff members can open this cupboard labelled "Pakete Eingang" with their physical staff keys. You are kindly requested to pick up your parcels there personally.

Letters/newspapers/brochures etc. will be distributed to your desk by the administrative assistants.

mail and parcel distribution (PDF, 89 KB) 
correct address for invoices, parcels and mail

Icons by MELS, Uni­ver­si­ty of Zu­rich (