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GIUZ scientists won an international bid for a new project at the intersection of climate change, ecosystems and biodiversity in the Tropical Andes, opening important opportunities for a dialogue and action with policy makers and other stakeholders.
Andreas Hueni, member of GIUZ and UZH Space Hub, talks about his daily routine when he headed a remote sensing flight campaign for NASA and ESA this summer.
Die 24-Stunden-Betreuung ist ein elementarer Bestandteil des Schweizer Pflegesystems. Doch die Care-Migrant:innen seien völlig unzureichend geschützt, sagt Karin Schwiter in einem Artikel in der WOZ.
Im Ringen um eine gemeinsame Stossrichtung hat die internationale Staatengemeinschaft an der Klimakonferenz in Glasgow einige Erfolge erzielt. Dazu haben auch UZH-Forschende beigetragen, wie Christian Huggel und Axel Michaelowa in einem Gastbeitrag zeigen.
Two professors and a „Privatdozent" of the GIUZ gave exciting insights into their research and teaching at their inaugural lectures in recent weeks. For those who could not be there: Recordings are now available.
Their proposal for the redesign of a monument in the Swiss Alps received an award by the Swiss Academy of Social Sciences. Congrats to Stephan Hochleithner and Rony Emmenegger!
World leaders were in Glasgow for COP26, but few expected revolutionary progress from the summit. What if the solutions are among us, our friends, and social connections?
From 1-12 November 2021, the Glasgow Climate Change Conference takes place: A few GIUZ researchers will be there, others are involved in side events in Geneva or online.
Glaciers are key indicators of ongoing climate change. The World Glacier Monitoring Service compiles and disseminates standardized data on glacier fluctuations. Recently, the Global Glacier Change Bulletin No. 4 was published.
Gletscher reagieren mit Verzögerung auf den Klimawandel. Doch bei manchen ist der maximale Wasserabfluss bereits erreicht, sagt Samuel Nussbauer in einer ARTE-Reportage vom Rhonegletscher.
Satellite data make it possible to observe the shrinking of glaciers worldwide in a comprehensive way. In an interview with the European Space Agency at Gorner Gletscher, Frank Paul talks about the effects in the Alps and worldwide - and about his personal connection to glaciers.
Glacier retreat in the Andes has serious impacts on water availability for downstream populations. Water management policies must take social factors into account. PhD candidate Randy Muñoz Asmat combines hydrologic modelling with local community consultation.
On August 1, 2021, Karin Schwiter started her new position as Assistant Professor for Labour Geography. The new professorship is co-funded by the UZH Digital Society Initiative and allows us to position GIUZ in a promising research field at the intersection of labour geography and digitalization.
As a practical souvenir from the anniversary year, we have printed postcards with 15 different pictures from GIUZ research and teaching.
Die State-Building-Missionen des Westens sind gut gemeint, aber sie scheitern regelmässig an ihrem moralisch überhöhten Anspruch, schreiben Benedikt Korf und Christine Schenk in einem Feuilleton-Artikel in der NZZ.
Originating in Africa, homo sapiens spread across the globe, and with it the human language. A project is now underway to trace the genealogy of the world's languages with the help of highly advanced methods borrowed from big data, genetics and geostatistics.
Scientifica will be held over the weekend of 4 and 5 September on the theme of “Synthetic naturally”. This year’s science festival offers a more comprehensive program than ever before - with several contributions by GIUZ researchers, and will now also include the Irchel campus.
Gleich vier Schweizer Flüsse führen ans Meer: der Rhein, die Rhone, der Ticino und der Inn. Die Alpen bilden einen Wasserturm im Zentrum Europas, sagt Daniel Viviroli, Hydrologe am GIUZ, und wirken damit wie ein Puffer. Doch das Gleichgewicht ist fragil geworden.
Die Schweiz beruft sich immer wieder auf ihre humanitäre Tradition. Auch, wenn es um Geflüchtete geht. Was bedeutet das in Bezug auf die Situation der Geflüchteten im Mittelmeer? Eine Diskussion mit Simon Noori, Migrationsforscher am GIUZ und an der Universität Neuchâtel.
Soil is one of the largest carbon storages on earth - but can be a massive producer of greenhouse gases. Nicholas Ofiti examines this precarious balance in the face of climate change in his PhD thesis.
What has the pandemic taught us about the relationship between the science community and policymakers? Political geographer Michael Hermann discussed with medical historian Flurin Condrau.
Some four months ago, a devastating flood ravaged the Chamoli district in the Indian Himalayas, killing over 200 people. The flood was caused by a massive landslide, which also involved a glacier. Researchers at GIUZ, the WSL and ETH Zurich have now analyzed the causes, scope and impact of the disaster as part of an international collaboration.
Die Universität Zürich führt im Auftrag der amerikanischen und europäischen Weltraumbehörden Testflüge in ganz Europa durch. Ziel: Entwicklung eines neuen Sensorgeräts zur Fernerkundung.
Eine Entdeckungsreise am UZH Campus Irchel und in der Wildnis des Irchelparks: Mit verschiedenen Angeboten rund um die Naturwissenschaften und spannenden Beiträgen von Forschenden des GIUZ!
This week, the Copernicus Climate Change Service, on behalf of the European Commission, released the European State of the Climate 2020 report. The World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) - located at the Department of Geography - contributed glacier data and analyses.
Why does it make sense to combine these topics to think about sustainability? Maria J. Santos, Professor of Earth System Science, at the expert discussion on "Shaping Resilient Societies Towards a Sustainable Future".
Das Bundesamt für Landestopographie stellt seit 1. März alle amtlichen und digitalen Daten gratis zur Verfügung. Das sei ein Paukenschlag für die Wissenschaft und werde eine Welle der Innovationen auslösen, sagt Sara I. Fabrikant.
The United Nations World Water Day takes place on 22 March 2021 under the motto "Valuing water". In Zurich, a self-guided tour provides amazing water knowledge.
There will be no general shortage, but water may be scarce depending on the region and time of year – conversely, heavier rainfall will lead to more local flooding. These and many more are the findings of the Hydro-CH2018.
Karin Schwiter untersucht die Migration von Betreuerinnen für ältere Menschen aus Ost- nach Westeuropa. Sie hofft, dass die Pandemie zu mehr Bewusstsein für deren prekäre Arbeitsbedingungen führt.
A new website explains the understanding of „landscape services“ and lists recommendations and good practice examples – an outcome of a research project by the Space, Nature & Society unit with the University of Lausanne.
Das Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU) hat neue Grundlagen für die Beurteilung der Gefährdung durch Hochwasser bei sehr seltenen Ereignissen veröffentlicht. Die Abteilung Hydrologie und Klima (H2K) hat das Arbeitspaket «Hydrometeorologische Szenarien» geleitet.
GIUZ researchers are involved in the efforts of the scientific community to collect data and information on the enormous rock-ice avalanche in Uttarakhand, Northern India, which unleashed a massive flood of water, ice, debris and rocks, destroying everything in its path.
Today is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Exemplary for all female researchers at GIUZ and at the Faculty of Science, we posted some portraits and quotes on Twitter.
Next week, leading researchers from a variety of fields will come together at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The virtual conference will also feature a talk by Michael Schaepman on how remote sensing can help protect biodiversity.
GIUZ member Graham McDowell was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. Congratulations!