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Department of Geography

#46: Biodiversity in Irchel park

After several weeks of home office once again a visit to the Irchel campus? With the "Irchel Nature Trail" you can learn about the biodiversity and ecosystems of the Irchel Park. On 22 May, GIUZ researchers will accompany you on an exploratory tour.

irchel nature trail

22 May 2020: International Day for Biodiversity

Interested in learning more about the biodiversity and ecosystems of Irchel Park? Then join us on 22 May when UZH researchers take you on an exploratory tour of Irchel Park.

13 - 15 h | Zoom

Further information

Virtual exploratory tour with GIUZ researchers! 

20 knowledge stations about Irchel Park’s ecosystem

Around three kilometres in length, the nature trail leads visitors through the meadows, forests and mudflats on Irchel Campus. Twenty knowledge stations provide information about Irchel Park's ecosystem: from the wetlands with their amphibians, birds and microorganisms, to the dead wood as a habitat and the mountain ecology of Monte Diggelmann. All panels are bilingual in German and English.

Visitors can also become active themselves: Play games, take measurements or share pictures and observations. Join us!

Morana Mihaljević and the Irchel Nature Trail team


Weiterführende Informationen

Join us!

Für alle (in German only)

Erkunden Sie die Flora und Fauna im Park und dokumentieren Sie sie mit Hilfe der iNaturalist App!

For researchers

Tell visitors of the Irchel Nature Trail about your research - write a post for our website!

For students

Become an Irchel Nature Trail Ambassador!