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Department of Geography

#6: Glacier measurement series with mayonnaise

The method for re-analysis of mass balance series of glaciers as an interactive infographics: Actually, it's as easy as mixing mayonnaise!

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In this method, glaciological and geodetic measurements are compared and merged to obtain a more accurate and reliable result. But they are quite different in their characteristics. It feels like mixing water with oil. But with the help of an egg yolk the mixture becomes permanently stable…

With this innovative presentation Julian Stuber and Manuel Studer received the first (internal) award for their infographics in the MSc lecture GEO 851 Glacier Mass Balance Measurements and Analysis - from local observations to global assessments.

The scientific basis was provided by the following paper:
Zemp M, Thibert E, Huss M, Stumm D, Rolstad Denby C, Nuth C, Nussbaumer SU, Moholdt G, Mercer A, Mayer C, Joerg PC, Jansson P, Hynek B, Fischer A, Escher-Vetter H, Elvehøy H, and Andreassen L M.: Reanalysing glacier mass balance measurement series, The Cryosphere, 7, 1227-1245, 2013.

Julian Stuber, Manuel Studer


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