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Department of Geography Covid-19


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Researching a pandemic - during a pandemic

cress tomatoes universe

Cress, tomatoes and the meaning of the universe

Covid and food producers

Sars-CoV-2 and food producers: who cares?

shopping with Maximilian

Shopping with Maximilian

Synergies homeschooling

Creating synergies between homeschooling and university teaching

Covid-19 impact on economy

The impact of Covid-19 from an economic geography perspective

pedestrian travel

Cycling and pedestrian travel in Covid-19 world

Wasserstadt Zürich

Die Wasserstadt Zürich mit dem Smartphone entdecken


Unsere Welt ist eine multidimensionale Collage

Geographers live in concert - postponed!

Geographers live in concert - postponed!

Catapulted into a new world

Catapulted into a new world

Covid-19 climate crisis

How the COVID-19 pandemic is teaching us to tackle the climate crisis

PHD remote

The first fully remote PhD defenses


Expeditions from the window: How do you perceive your surroundings?

Geographie-Student Jonathan

Geographie-Student Jonathan, der Erdball und die CO2-Männli

hundreds of students

Hundreds of students enrich the start of the semester at the University of Zurich

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