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Department of Geography Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis (GIVA)

“Geovisualisation: Interfaces and Interactions” workshop - Paris, France

Invited talk at the workshop Geovisualisation: Interfaces and Interactions, organized by the (Carto)graphies et (Géo)visualisation de données research action (AR99 of the GdR CNRS MAGIS), held at the Université Gustave Eiffel, October 4, 2024.

Geovisualisations: Interfaces and Interactions study day

Sara Irina Fabrikant presented GIVA research on the design of interfaces and interactions with mobile maps, focusing on attention, perception, and spatial cognition. One of her key findings is that constant use of GPS is leading to a decline in our spatial abilities. Knowing how to use mobile maps is great, but knowing how to do without mobile maps is even better!

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