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Department of Geography

“Biodiversity is our life insurance”

Ecosystems are more stable and productive when they contain more species. This has been demonstrated impressively by researchers from the URPP Global Change and Biodiversity. The successful program is committed to ensuring that the value of biodiversity is better understood and appreciated in society.

Biodiversity from above

Biodiversity is under great pressure across the world and urgently requires action to preserve it. The scientists from the University Research Priority Program Global Change and Biodiversity believe there are five primary factors behind the decline in biodiversity, namely the way the land and sea are being used, climate change, pollution, loss of habitat, and invasive species. In the program, the researchers systematically investigated the impact of these global change drivers on biodiversity as well as the consequences they are having for society. At the same time, the scientists investigated the feedback and amplification mechanisms between these drivers and the biodiversity that is under threat. As co-director Maria J. Santos explains in the interview, having a better understanding of these interactions is the key to protecting vital biodiversity.

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UZH News, 03.07.2024

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Maria J. Santos, Prof. Dr.
Earth System Science

Tel.: 044 63 55264
Room number: Y25 J 68



URPP Global Change and Biodiversity

More about URPP Global Change and Biodiversity