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Geographisches Institut

Geoanalysis and Natural Risks within “die Mobiliar”

For one year I worked as student trainee in the Geoanalysis and Natural Risks team of the Schweizerische Mobiliar Versicherungsgesellschaft AG. The team consists of 10 people – most of them are geographers or environmental engineers and some of them software developers. The team is responsible for the management, evaluation and provision of all spatial data in “die Mobiliar”, and acts as a competence center for natural risks.


My experience

During my time at die Mobiliar, I was able to significantly improve my knowledge of GIS applications, since one big part of my working field consisted of process automation using Python and/or ArcGIS Pro. Additionally, I learned that the management and analysis of spatial data is very important for insurance companies. I also gained valuable insights about myself and the way I work. For instance, I now know with certainty that I enjoy programming and working with large datasets including the challenges they present, and that I want to continue working in this field. And that the spatial aspect of the data used is particularly important to me (of course, as a geographer!), because it adds an extra dimension to my work.

The working atmosphere in the company and especially in my team was very pleasant. The team really interacts as a team and has always been very supportive.

As a highlight I see the high degree of exciting tasks with constant opportunities for personal development. At first it was quite a challenge to navigate through the yet unfamiliar world of insurance-related data. However, the data was well documented and everyone in the team was always willing to answer questions.

Organisation of the internship

The internship position is advertised in spring (starting date is usually September) and aimed at Bachelor or Master students. Knowledge of GIS and a basic understanding of natural risks are important. In my opinion, the internship is ideal for people with a broad range of interests, as the focus of the internship can be adjusted according to one’s own preferences.

Pascal Wyss

Weiterführende Informationen


Die Mobiliar (Schweizerische Mobiliar Versicherungsgesellschaft AG), Team Geoanalysis and Natural Risks (G&N)

Bundesgasse 35, 3001 Bern


4200.- (100%) per month


For any questions you can contact me.