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Department of Geography World Glacier Monitoring Service


News list

  • Global Glacier Casualty List

    Which glacier is next to disappear?

    Global warming has led to the disappearance of thousands of glaciers worldwide – with high impact on human communities in terms of cultural meaning, natural beauty, water availability, economic opportunity, and world heritage. The Global Glacier Casualty List exists to remember their names and tell their stories.

  • European State of the Climate 2023

    European State of the Climate 2023

    The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) jointly released the European State of the Climate 2023 report. The report provides a summary of the climate in Europe, in the Arctic, and globally, based on authoritative data sources compiled by institutions across Europe. The World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) contributed glacier data and analyses.

  • «Was wäre, wenn … »: Eine Welt ohne Gletscher

    «Was wäre, wenn … »: Eine Welt ohne Gletscher

    Dann hätten wir so viele Kipppunkte im Klimasystem angestossen, dass es eine ungemütliche Welt wäre, sagt Michael Zemp, Direktor des World Glacier Monitoring Service in der Sendung «10 vor 10». Wenn wir das Klimaziel von maximal 2 Grad Erwärmung erreichen, kann noch ein grosser Teil der Gletscher gerettet werden. »Wir müssen aufhören, nur darüber zu reden, wir müssen handeln.»

  • European State of the Climate 2022

    European State of the Climate 2022

    The Copernicus Climate Change Service, on behalf of the European Commission, released the European State of the Climate 2022 report. The World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) contributed glacier data and analyses.

  • Earth heat inventory

    Heat stored in the Earth system 1960–2020: where does the energy go?

    Our "out-of-balance" Earth accumulates more energy than it loses. But how much and where? An international, multidisciplinary research team used carefully calibrated, cross-checked, and well-documented data from the ocean, land, ice, and atmosphere. The World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) contributed the glacier data and calculations.

  • Malaspina-Seward Glacier in Alaska

    Which glaciers are the largest in the world?

    This question is often asked but not easily answered. It depends on how a glacier is defined and on the availability, quality and consistency of digital glacier outlines at a global scale. A joint paper by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center and the World Glacier Monitoring Service now provides the answer.

  • Glacier Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise

    New intercomparison exercise approved by ESA

    In response to ESA's Polar Science Cluster, a joint consortium by the WGMS, the University of Edinburgh, and Earthwave successfully proposed a "Glacier Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise" (GlaMBIE)

  • Podcast Samuel Nussbaumer

    Gletscher - Gradmesser der globalen Erderwärmung

    Im Rahmen der Ausstellung «Earth Beats» am Kunsthaus Zürich sind Podcasts mit Expert:innen aus vielen Wissensgebieten entstanden. Einer davon ist der Gletscherforscher Samuel Nussbaumer.

  • Rembesdalskåka - an outlet glacier from Hardangerjøkulen in Norway

    Running a world class database on glaciers

    Glaciers are key indicators of on­going climate change. The World Glacier Monitoring Service com­piles and dis­seminates stand­ard­ized data on glacier fluctuations. Recently, the Global Glacier Change Bulletin No. 4 was published.

  • Samuel Nussbaumer

    Sind die Alpengletscher noch zu retten?

    Gletscher reagieren mit Verzö­gerung auf den Klima­wandel. Doch bei manchen ist der maximale Wasser­abfluss bereits erreicht, sagt Samuel Nussbauer in einer ARTE-Reportage vom Rhone­gletscher.

  • European State of the Climate

    The WGMS contributed to the European State of the Climate report

    This week, the Copernicus Climate Change Service, on behalf of the European Commission, released the European State of the Climate 2020 report. The World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) - located at the Department of Geography - contributed glacier data and analyses.

  • GlaThiDa coverage

    2020 WDS Data Stewardship Award

    The award by the World Data System is related to a collaboration of Ethan Welty with the WGMS. Ethan's sound know­ledge in glacio­logy and infor­mation tech­nology and his personal commit­ment allowed the re­lease of a new version of the Glacier Thick­ness Data­base.

  • aletschgletscher

    Adieu ewig’ Eis

    Läuft uns die Zeit davon? Eine Frage und drei Antworten im aktuellen UZH Magazin: Eine davon gibt Michael Zemp, Professor für Glaziologe und Direktor des World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS).

  • zemp

    On Thin Ice

    Our glaciers are melting. Glaciologist Michael Zemp believes that a reduction in air travel among the scientific community is inevitable.

  • wgms

    Insight into the WGMS

    Using rubber boots and rain gauge instead of ice axe and down jacket for glacier monitoring? Getting to know the later husband on a glacier? Gain insight into the work of the national corres­pondents of WGMS in 23 videos!

  • glacier and sea level

    WGMS contributing to European State of the Climate 2019

    One of the headline climate indicators of the European State of the Climate Report are glaciers and sea level rise. The WGMS is the responsible data and information provider for glacier distribution and changes.

  • Glaciar_Margerie

    Disappearing glaciers: UZH media highlight 2019 comes from GIUZ

    UZH researchers’ answers to the burning questions of the day made international headlines in 2019. The list of the top ten is led by a release from the Department of Geography.

  • reanalysis_mass_balance_series

    Glacier measurement series with mayonnaise

    The method for re-analysis of mass balance series of glaciers as an interactive infographics: Actually, it's as easy as mixing mayonnaise!

  • Aletsch Eggishorn

    WGMS Letter of Concern to COP25

    Glacier-mass changes are a reliable indicator of climate change. The world­wide net­work of glacier observers urges parties to the United Nations Frame­work Con­vention on Climate Change to boost international co­opera­tion in monitoring these changes, and to include the results in the Paris agree­ment’s global stocktake.

  • Aletschgletscher

    1894–2019: 125 years of internationally coordinated glacier monitoring

    The 125 year jubilee of the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS), located at the Department of Geography, attracted considerable media attention. The General Assembly was split into three regional meetings which were held in Zurich, Switzerland, Almaty, Kazakhstan and El Calafate, Argentina, respectively.