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Department of Geography Economic Geography

Simon Noori

Simon Noori, Dr.

  • Senior scientist
Simon Noori (né Simon Sontowski) obtained his PhD in Economic Geography at the Department of Geography, University of Zurich, in 2018 and worked as a Senior Researcher (Oberassistent) at the Department until early 2022. He studies various practices, materialities and rationalities of governing cross-border movements, with a special focus on the European border regime. In his PhD research, he traced the socio-material emergence of the European Union's Smart Borders Package for biometric border control. He is co-founder of «movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies» and co-edited the book «Grenzregime III» on the ramifications of the long summer of migration in 2015. 
In the Economic Geography unit, he has taught Bachelor courses on alternative economies and heterodox economics, urban neoliberalism and the right to the city, as well as on the contested development of the European migration and border regime.
Latest Publications
Leese, Matthias; Noori, Simon; Scheel, Stephan (2022). Data Matters: The Politics and Practices of Digital Border and Migration Management.  Geopolitics 27 (1), 5-25. Open access at
Noori, Simon (2021). Suspicious Infrastructures: Automating Border Control and the Multiplication of Mistrust through Biometric E-Gates. Geopolitics. Open acces at
Noori, Simon (2020). Navigating the Aegean Sea: smartphones, transnational activism and viapolitical in(ter)ventions in contested maritime borderzones. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Sontowski, Simon (2018). Speed, timing and duration: contested temporalities, techno-political controversies and the emergence of the EU’s smart border. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 44 (16), 2730-2746.