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Department of Geography Social Geography and Urban Studies

Between Activism and Academia

Between Activism and Academia
Public Lecture and Panel Discussion by urban publics Zürich

Between Activism and Academia
Research Justice in Unequal Cities

Tuesday, 11 October 2022, 17:30 h
ETH Zurich Main Building, HG E 7
Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, followed by an Apéro

Powerful universities in unequal cities have a long history of extractive modes of research. They are also often agents of gentrification. In this talk, Ananya Roy lays out a politics of refusal and further, develops the concept of research justice, which includes principles of accountability and reciprocity. One of the key foundations of research justice is the recognition that social movements actively theorize the world and that such knowledge must form the shared terrain of social justice, between activism and academia. Subsequently, Christian Schmid will discuss his experiences and lessons that can be learned from the 1980s movements in Zurich. Joanna Kusiak will critically reflect on the tensions of combining her activist and academic work with and about Deutsche Wohnen & Co. enteignen.

Talk: Ananya Roy, UCLA with Christian Schmid, ETH Zurich and Joanna Kusiak, University of Cambridge
Introduction: Hanna Hilbrandt, University of Zurich
Moderation: Lindsay Howe, University of Liechtenstein and David Kaufmann, ETH Zurich

An event organized by: urban publics Zürich (upZ)

Event Flyer, hochformat (PDF, 798 KB)

Event Flyer, quadrat (PDF, 602 KB)


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urban publics Zurich (upZ)

upZ will den Dialog zwischen Stadtforschung, Stadtgesellschaft und Stadtpolitik fördern und so die urbane Forschung mit der Praxis verbinden. Mehr zu upZ unter