Space, Nature and Society
Tel.: 044 63 55243Room number: Y25 L 34zelie.stauffer@uzh.ch
Research interests
My main interests are in interdisciplinary fields dealing with human-nature interaction:
- human perception of nature
- social acceptance of environmental projects
- human-nature relationship
- role of narratives and language in the constitution of environmental values.
My PhD project aims to elaborate a relational theory of environmental values, by mixing empirical social science and environmental ethics.
My completed studies have given me the necessary skills to tackle problems that cut across several disciplines, in particular environmental sciences, sociology and literature.
2024 - now: PhD Candidate in Human Geography. Project: Developing a quantitative tool to measure human-nature relations of bird-watchers.
2023-2024: Master thesis in collaboration with WSL (Birmensdorf) in the "social science for landscape research group". Project: Reintroduction of European Bison (bison bonasus) in the Swiss Jura: social acceptance and future areas of conflict.
2022-2024: Master degree in Quantitative environmental sciences (major) and French linguistics and literature (minor).
2018 - 2022: Bachelor degree in French linguistics and literature (major) and biology (minor).
Organised Workshops
03.05.2024: Littérature et écologie: pour un dialogue au profit de l'environnement. This one-day workshop invited students to explore the theme of ecopoetics in different ways, with four guests - experts - from different disciplines. The day ended with a general discussion moderated by myself.
Zélie, S. and Hunziker, M. (2025), Social acceptance of human–wildlife coexistence: a case study about the reintroduction of the large herbivore European bison (Bison bonasus) in Switzerland. Restor Ecol e14373. https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.14373
Literary mediation
Ongoing project: Podcast recording on environmental literature and values, in partnership with the Romanisches Seminar of the University of Zurich: https://dlf.uzh.ch/sites/cultcomm/podcast-litteraire/
Autumn 2024: Member of the jury for the "Prix Goncourt de la Suisse"