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Department of Geography Spatial Genetics


News list

  • Die Grubenotter Trimeresurus uetzi ist eine der über 200 neu entdeckten Tier- und Pflanzenarten. (Bild: iNaturalist | 2KRoat CC BY-NC 4.0)

    «Wir unterschätzen den Verlust der Artenvielfalt»

    In der Mekong-Region in Südostasien haben Forschende mehr als 200 Tier- und Pflanzenarten neu entdeckt. Was die Wissenschaft daraus lernen kann und ob diese Artenfunde das Artensterben relativieren können, erklärt Sofia van Moorsel, Biodiversitätsexpertin am Geographischen Institut, im Interview mit Radio SRF.

  • Sofia van Moorsel with beech saplings on Irchel Campus. (Photo: Dave Kurath)

    New Beech Trees for Switzerland’s Forests

    Climate change is afflicting indigenous beech trees in Switzerland. Researchers at GIUZ now want to find out what Swiss beech forests might look like in the future. To do that, they are taking an experimental approach, using spectral data to investigate the biodiversity of the beech forests.

  • Sniff out imminent danger

    Sniffing out imminent danger

    Every plant has a distinctive smell. In a healthy state, this smell is quite subtle. But that changes as soon as caterpillars and beetles start feeding on the plant. "Plants use their odours to attract the enemies of their enemies, for example," says Meredith Schuman, a chemical ecologist at GIUZ.

  • Genes from space

    Genes from space

    Earth observation plays a crucial role in monitoring efforts to quantify biodiversity decline. Claudia Röösli and Meredith C. Schuman have now formed an International Space Science Institute International Team to leverage earth observation technologies to monitor essential genetic diversity.

  • spatial genetics

    Crossing boundaries

    Merry was highlighted by the faculty's Women in Science campaign. She presents our collaborative approach to transdisciplinary research in a short video and poster.

  • Biodiversität von oben: Blick auf den bewaldeten Höhenzug der Lägern in der Nähe der Stadt Zürich.

    Das Blätterorakel

    Zwei Forscherinnen des GIUZ gewinnen aus der Licht­reflexion von Blättern Er­kenntnisse zu Arten­vielfalt und Eigen­schaften von Pflanzen. Die Aus­wertung solcher Spektral­daten re­vo­lutioniert nicht nur die Art, wie wir Öko­systeme unter­suchen, sondern ermöglicht es auch, diese besser zu schützen.

  • spatial genetics

    Investigating plants genetic structure from above

    Advances in methods and interweaving of disciplines enable us to better understand what drives changes in biodiversity.

  • ancestral birth locations in North America

    Spatial genetics for plant-based communities - and much more!

    You might be familiar with an increasingly common application of spatial genetics research: using people's DNA to identify their ancestry, for example as done by 23andMe or Variable pieces of DNA are used to identify geographically located clusters.