Labour Geography
Room number: Y25 L 64maaret.jokela-pansini@geo.uzh.ch
For a full list of projects, please see https://www.geog.ox.ac.uk/staff/mjokelapansini.html
Current projects
Visualising Long Covid
Role: PI (based at the Department of Geography, University of Zurich and School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford)
Funding: Swiss National Science Foundation grants #222164 and #206554
Project website: www.visualisinglongcovid.org
MISTRAL - a toolkit for dynaMic health Impact analysiS to predicT disability-Related costs in the Aging population based on three case studies of steeL-industry exposed areas in Europe
Role: Project manager, co-investigator (based at School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford)
Funding: Horizon Europe, UK Research and Innovation UKRI
Project website: www.project-mistral.eu/
Spring 2025
GEO199 Small group teaching
Selected publications
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Jokela-Pansini, M., Greenhough, B., Cousins, O. and Dainow, J. (2024) When you can't find the words: Using body mapping to communicate patients' experiences of Long Covid. Health & Place, 89: 103302. Fulltext
Jokela-Pansini, M., Ippolito, R., Greenhough, B. and Lora-Wainwright, A. (2024) Creating safety amidst chronic contamination: A mixed-method analysis of residents' experiences in a Southern Italian steel town. Social Science and Medicine, 349: 116866. Fulltext
Jokela-Pansini, M. (2024) Complicando las nociones de violencia: Una visión encarnada de la violencia contra las mujeres en Honduras. POLIS, Revista Latinoamericana, 23(67): 155-194. Fulltext
Greenhough, B., Jokela-Pansini, M., Kirksey, E. and Lorimer, J. (2024) Mapping Microbial Selves: Field Notes from a Dirty Parenting Project. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 11(1), 1-17. Fulltext
Jokela-Pansini, M. (2022) Beyond "toxic bodies": Multiplied rationalities of women's reproductive health in a high-risk environmental area (Taranto, Italy). Health and Place, 77. 102900. Fulltext
Jokela-Pansini, M. and Militz, E. (2022) Breathing new futures in polluted environments (Taranto, Italy). Transactions of the British Institute of Geographers. Fulltext
Jokela-Pansini, M. and Wintzer, J. (2022) Practicing diversity in higher education in geography. Exploring spaces of diversity in a geography department in Switzerland. The Professional Geographer. Fulltext
Jokela-Pansini, M. (2020) Complicating notions of violence: An embodied view of violence against women in Honduras. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 38(5): 848-865. Repository Fulltext
Jokela-Pansini, M. (2019) Imaginarios espaciales e identidad colectiva en las luchas por los derechos humanos de las mujeres en Honduras. Latin American Journal of Geography and Gender, 10(2): 98-124. Fulltext
Jokela-Pansini, M. (2018) Multi-sited research methodology: improving understanding of transnational concepts. Area, 51(3): 516-523. Fulltext Repository
Jokela-Pansini, M. (2016) Spatial imaginaries and collective identity in women's human rights struggles in Honduras. Gender, Place and Culture, 23(10): 1-15. Fulltext Repository
Book chapters
Jokela-Pansini, M. and De Marco, D. (in press) Producing knowledge through art-research collaborations: Encountering, making, and developing body-health-environment relations in Southern Italy. In: Mollett, S. (ed.) Feminist Political Ecologies. Edgar Allen Publishing Ltd.
Greenhough, B. and Jokela-Pansini, M. (in press) Pandemic. In: P. Merriman, A. Secour and S. Sumartojo (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Geographies. London/New York: Routledge.
Jokela-Pansini, M. and Thieme, S. (2024) Participatory methods. In: B. Warf (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Human Geography. Cham: Springer Nature. Fulltext
Jokela-Pansini, M. (2021) Body mapping as a feminist visual method: Exploring the field through the body. In R. Kogler and J. Wintzer (eds.) Raum und Bild - Strategien visueller raumbezogener Forschung. Springer, Heidelberg. pp. 69-82. Fulltext Repository
The Guardian (2025) ‘We think of the body as a map’: a new approach to deciphering long Covid. Interview by Theres Lüthi. Full text
Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ (2024) Geografie des Leidens – Karten des Körpers drücken aus, was Worte bei Long Covid nicht schaffen. Interview by Theres Lüthi. NZZ website Full text