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Name | Position in H2K | Research Area | Period in H2K | Current Position/Institute |
Elham Freund | PostDoc | Future Resilient Forest in a Changing Climate | 2022-2024 | |
Mirjam Scheller | PhD Student | Quality and Use of Temporary Stream States Observed by Citizen Scientists | 2020-2024 |
Jana Erdbrügger | PhD Student | Groundwater Gradients, Soil Moisture and Stream Mapping in a Boreal Landscape | 2017-2024 |
Project Engineer at Basler & Hofmann |
Anna Senoner | PostDoc | Identification of flood processes and uncertainty quantification in hydrological models for Alpine rivers with Bayesian and data-driven methods | 2014-2021 |
Meteo Swiss & Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM) ETH Zürich |
Fabian Maier | PhD Student | Effects of soil and vegetation development on surface hydrological characteristics of moraines in the Swiss Alps | 2018-2022 | Geoscientist at Nagra (National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste) |
Leonie Kiewiet | PhD Student | Searching for the Source Using Shallow Groundwater Chemistry to Determine the Sources of Streamflow in a Pre-Alpine Catchment | 2016 to 2020 |
Project Engineer TBF + Partner AG, Zurich |
Kirsti Hakala | PhD Student | Climate Change Impacts on Hydrology - Informing the design of the modeling chain and supporting adaptation | 2016 to 2020 | PostDoc Position at the University of Melbourne |
Barbara Strobl | PhD Student | Quality of Crowdsourced Water Level Observations | 2016 to 2020 | Public relations and science communication for GHGA (The German Human Genome-Phenome Archive) |
Simon Etter | PhD Student | Motivations of Citizen Scientists, the Accuracy and the Potential of Crowd-Based Data for Hydrological Model Calibration. | 2016 to 2020 | Allianz Suisse Insurance |
Ling Wang | PhD Student | Intelligent Sampling for Event-Based Hydrological Modelling | 2014 to 2019 | |
Nena Griessinger |
External PhD Student (SLF) |
Relevance of Snowmelt Processes for Cold Region Hydrology - from Measurements to Models | 2015 to 2019 | |
Sandra Pool |
PhD Student |
Value of Hydrograph Characteristics or Single Discharge Observations in Hydrological Modeling |
2015 to 2018 |
PostDoc Position at EAWAG |
Manuela Brunner | PhD Student | Catchment- and event-type specific synthetic design hydrographs | 2015 to 2018 |
Assistant professor forHydrology & Climate Impacts in Mountain Regions, ETH Zürich |
Tracy Ewen | Senior Scientist | Research and teaching in hydrology and climate sciences | 2009 to 2017 | Center for Climate Systems Modelling |
Manuel Antonetti |
External PhD Student (WSL) |
Runoff generation during heavy rainfall events: integrating expert knowledge about dominant runoff processes in conceptual hydrological models | 2014 to 2017 | |
Hamouda Dakhlaoui | Visiting PostDoc | Impact of climate change on water resources | 2017 | Researcher and Lecturer at University Tunis El Manar and University of Carthage |
Benjamin Fischer | PhD Student | Spatial and temporal runoff generation processes in a Swiss pre-Alpine headwater catchment | 2009 to 2016 | PostDoc Position at Stockholm University |
Nans Addor | PhD Student | Impacts of climate change on discharge in switzerland: cascading uncertainties and robustness in models | 2012 to 2015 | Fathom, Bristol, UK |
Michael Rinderer | PhD Student | Assessing key controls of catchment functioning by investigating distributed groundwater dynamics, hydrological connectivity and runoff response on different spatial scales | 2010 to 2015 | Project Leader for Natural Hazard Management at Geo7 |
Philipp Schneider | PostDoc | Alpine groundwater and snowhydrology | 2012 to 2016 | |
Michal Jenizec | Visiting PostDoc | Impact of seasonal snowpack on droughts | 2015 | Researcher and Lecturer at Charles University in Prague |
Käthi Liechti |
External PhD Student (WSL) |
Uncertainty propagation in operational flash flood forecasting systems | 2009 to 2012 | Researcher at WSL |