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Department of Geography Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis (GIVA)

MSc Theses

If not available below, PDFs of Masters' theses can be found in the library catalogue of the University of Zurich.

Ongoing MSc Theses

Bär, Benedikt
Visualizing the impact of the 1911 Heatwave on the deaths in
the city of Zurich
Prof. Dr. Kaspar Staub
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Guler, Johannes
Mobile Map Application Adaptiveness
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Lo, Choi Yeung
Lighting the way: Ambient Light’s influence on Mobile Map App Usage
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Donatella Zingaro
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Lüthi, Simeon
Navigating Complexity: A Study of Map Use Behavior in Swiss VFR Aeronautical Charts
Dr. Armand Kapaj
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Meili, Gina
Analyse von intermodalen Verkehrssystemen am Beispiel des Bezirks Einsiedeln
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Marius Schmidt
Sandra Dietsche
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Moos, Carola
The Emotional and Aesthetic Impact of Vegetation Density in a Virtual Urban Environment
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Dr. Armand Kapaj
Pierro, Alessandro Joshua
Evaluating Navigation Behaviour in Urban Heat: A VR-Based Study on Pedestrian Route Choice and Thermal Comfort
Dr. Armand Kapaj
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Schilling, Fabio
Geovisual analytics of historical morbidity and mortality data of Tuberculosis and Diphteria in Zürich between 1925 and 1935
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Prof. Dr. phil. Kaspar Staub
Schilling, Oliva
Labelling Tappigraphy: A Ground Truth Study to Understand Mobile Map App Usage in Everyday Usage
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Donatella Zingaro
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Zanivan, Cassandra
Generation of Dynamic Earthquake Evacuation Maps
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant

Completed MSc Theses

Xu, Zhengfang
Using Survival Analysis to Investigate Factors Influencing Time to Map Reactivation in Map-Assisted Pedestrian Navigation and Reactivation Time Prediction PDF
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Mona Bartling
Bazzurri, Sergio
Visualization of uncertainty on climate change forecasts:
The effects of emotional narratives and personal attitudes towards climate change on map understanding and map-based decision-making PDF
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Garate, Marcel
Comparing Hand-Held Augmented and Virtual Reality for the On-Site Assessment of Construction Projects PDF
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Dr. Armand Kapaj
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Grafström, Jens
Distributive Effects in the European Intercity Rail Network: A Geovisual Analysis of the Impacts of
Rail Infrastructure Projects PDF
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Ilchenko, Aleksei
The Role of Virtual Landmarks in Mixed-Reality Indoor Navigation: Impact on Spatial Learning, Situation Awareness, and User Workload PDF
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Dr. Armand Kapaj
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Juen, Silvia
Overcoming Urban Obstacles: Barriers at Hotspots for Wheelchair Users in the City of Zurich PDF
Dr. Oliver Grübner
PD Dr. Michael von Rhein
Prof. Dr. Robert Weibel
Ruban, Vibiga
Through Different Lenses: A Comparative Study of Cultural Influence on Map Reading PDF
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Signer Del Cid, Aiyana Marie
Exploring Mobile Map App Usage: A Geospatial Study of Touchscreen Interactions and Contextual Influences PDF
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Donatella Zingaro
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Birkhölzer, Inga
Reconstructing the 1855 Cholera Epidemic
in Basel Using Geographic Information Visualization PDF
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
PD Dr. Kaspar Staub
Burkhard, Corinne
Geovisualization of Swiss Birth Weights at the Beginning of the 20th Century PDF
PD Dr. Kaspar Staub
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Förster, Michael
Mapping Public Transport Stops in Smartphone Apps:
Dynamic Information Visualization in the Context of Hiking PDF
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Dr. Karsten Pippig
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Hauser, Joel
Spatial Accessibility to Pediatricians in Switzerland
An Improved Application Approach of the MHV3SFCA Method PDF
Dr. Oliver Grübner
Micheal von Rhein
Reto Jörg
Prof. Dr. Ross Purves
Lendenmann, Delia
Der Einfluss begrünter Fassaden auf Emotionen in virtuellen Stadträumen PDF
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Luchsinger, Patrick
LandMarkAR: An application to study virtual route instructions and the design of 3D landmarks for indoor pedestrian navigation with a mixed reality head-mounted display PDF
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Marti, Sebastian
Visualisierung von öffentlichen Ladestationen in mobilen Kartenapplikationen basierend auf ihrer Relevanz PDF
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Dr. Karsten Pippig
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Wismer, Stéphanie
The Use of Geographic Information Systems for Data Visualization and Analysis in Geography Education at Swiss High Schools PDF
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Thomas Ingold
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Bracher, Jana
Visualizing and communicating uncertainty for map-based decision-making: The case of uncertainty depiction in debris flow predictions PDF
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Büchel, Donat
Visual Complexity of Bike Maps PDF
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Burren, Anna-Lena
Mapping the COVID-19 Pandemic - The Influence of Map Design Choices by Media Outlets on People’s Perception of the State of the Pandemic PDF
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Prof. Dr. Wibke Weber
Flückiger, Flo Tiffany
The Influence of a Diverging Color Scheme on the Representation of Rock Glacier Dynamics in 3D Animations PDF
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Prof. Dr. Markus Stoffel
Alberto Muñoz-Torrero Manchado
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Knöpfel, Jakob
Travel Chains in Urban Public Transportation: Identifying User Needs, Travel Strategies, and Travel Information System Improvements PDF
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Morf, Nicolas
Improving the Acquisition of Spatial Knowledge when Navigating with an Augmented Reality Navigation System. PDF
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Schmidheiny, Nicolas
The Impact of Environmental Characteristics on Mental Health - A Sentiment Analysis in Switzerland based on Twitter Data PDF
Dr. Oliver Grübner
Dr. phil. Markus Wolf
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Sturzenegger, Florian
Representation of Local Landmarks in Bicycle Navigation Applications and their Effect on Learning Planned Routes PDF
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Tabataba Vakili, Marjan
Geospatial analysis of mental health in Switzerland: Impact of environmental factors on suicide risk PDF
Dr. Oliver Grübner
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Wildberger, Aline
Tackling geomorphological heterogeneity: a comparison of predictors and modelling approaches to assess the distribution of sedimentary organic carbon in submarine canyons PDF
Dr. Sarah Paradis Vilar
Prof. Dr. Timothy Ian Eglinton
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Edry, Tamar Frances
Trajectory analysis of cross-border mobility using social media
Dr. Oliver Grübner
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Grüebler, Etienne
Geospatial Analysis of Access to Healthcare: Child Development Needs and Available Care in the Canton of Zurich PDF
Dr. Oliver Grübner
Dr. Michael von Rhein
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Kuster, Fabian
Decision making on flood maps: Evaluation of risk perception in 2D and 2.5D flood visualizations PDF
Dr. Ian Tanner Ruginski
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Lanz, Martin
The Effects of Environmental Lighting on Human Emotions PDF
Dr. Sara Lanini-Maggi
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Leuch, Corina
Spec. MA
In the Footsteps of the "Mother of all Pandemics": Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the 1918 Flu Pandemic in the Canton of Berne, Switzerland PDF
Dr. Oliver Grübner
Dr. Kaspar Staub
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Saner, Matthias
Spec. MA
Pedestrian Route-Following Performance Under the Influence of Stress in a Virtual Urban Environment PDF
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Weber, Jan
Explorative Analysis of Tapping Behavior in Smartphone Map Apps PDF
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
Boos, Ursina Christina
Spec. MA
Open Communication by Augmented Reality Experiences in Urban Planning PDF
Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Christian Sailer
Dr. Peter Kiefer
Matthias Schenker
Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant
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