If not available below, PDFs of Masters' theses can be found in the library catalogue of the University of Zurich.Ongoing MSc Theses
Businger, Isaline ESS | Stratospheric aerosol injection shifts permafrost drivers, accelerating thaw in the Eastern Arctic | Prof. Dr. Gabriela Schaepman |
Hodel, Melanie ESS | Does burn severity in the Arctic tundra vary with vegetation type? | Prof. Dr. Gabriela Schaepman Nils Rietze Dr. Jakob Assmann |
Jastrowski, Lino ESS | Effects of Livelihood Choices on Forest Dynamics in Protected Areas in Mozambique | Prof. Dr. Maria J. Santos |
Kwan Ying Ying, Zoelle ESS | Assessing Coralita (Antigonon Leptopus) Dynamics on St. Eustatius: Spatio-Temporal Spread and Efficacy of Successive Removal Strategies | Dr. Maarten Eppinga Prof. Dr. Maria J. Santos |
Müller, Rhonda ESS | Arctic temperature extremes increase under solar radiation management - evaluation of geoengineering effects on the Arctic climate system | Prof. Dr. Gabriela Schaepman Dr. Jin-Soo Kim |
Nitsingam, Nathalie GEO | Evaluating the Suitability of Vegetation Indices and Plant Functional Traits for Biodiversity Monitoring in West Kalimantan, Borneo | Jochem Braakhekke Dr. Claudia Röösli Prof. Dr. Maria J. Santos |
Quartini, Nicole ESS | Relating ecosystem functioning to fire severity in tundra ecosystems using community weighted means of plant traits | Prof. Dr. Gabriela Schaepman Dr. Ramona Heim |
Completed MSc Theses
2022 |
Shavit, Noemi ESS | Spatial Distribution of Agricultural Pesticide Use and Predicted Exposure of the Swiss Landscape. PDF | Prof. Dr. Maria J. Santos |
2021 |
Seifert, Mena GEO | The Potential of On-Farm Trees for Sustainable Charcoal Production Challenges, opportunities and human and social capital implications of charcoal production from on-farm trees in Kilosa District, Tanzania PDF | Prof. Dr. Maria J. Santos Hanneke van 't Veen Prof. Dr. Norman Backhaus |
2020 |
Kesselring, Jasmin ESS | Evapotranspiration and Water Use Efficiency in Agricultural Areas: Creating a new Tool using Remote Sensing to Help Farmers reduce Water Losses PDF | Dr. Eugénie Paul-Limoges Prof. Dr. Alexander Damm |
Show all MSc. Sergio Galaz-Segura
Farmers Rivalry or Collectivism? A livelihoods study from the Mixteca Alta, Mexico
MSc. Frans Erdem
Urbanization affecting Biotic homogenization? A look into the past in the California coastal area
MSc. Brendy Batenburg
Sustainability and tourism; a social en ecological network analysis in southern and eastern Spain
MSc. Jojanneke Voorhoeve
The Influence of Charcoal Production on the Forest Carbon Balance of Managed Oak Forests in Central Mexico
MSc. Mascha Claessens
Effects of biodiversity-friendly agriculture on different taxa in Europe
MSc. Alice Brignone
Interplays between biodiversity conservation and local development in high pasture dairy farming in protected areas. The case of the Lepontine Alps
MSc. Vera Praet
Wildlife richness and abundance across habitat types on the Utrecht University campus at the Uithof.
MSc. Vera Geling
Development of a sustainability index for chocolate production: Tony's chocolonely
MSc. Mary-Ann George
Community Forest Management in India: An Assessment of External Agent Interventions on Forest Conservation
MSc. Oliver Reader
Prediction of Tamarix spp. invasion by hyperspectral sensing of functional traits
MSc. Mariana Marques
Mesocarnivore site occupancy in cork oak landscapes: influence of management regimes
MSc. Wesley Malcorps
Research on the relationship between shrimp feed content and the availability and quality of resources
MSc. Annegreet Veeken
Using a trait-based approach to explain the effect of lake management on the biodiversity and ecosystem function of lake Ringsjön in Southern Sweden
MSc. Anne-Marie Melief
Linking Nitrogen Oxide Emissions and Future Urban Growth:How Present Day Policy Decisions Influence Future Emissions
MSc. Catarina Esgalhado
Traditional Systems in a Contemporary Context -Livelihoods, Biodiversity and Global Change in Portuguese Cork Oak Woodlands
MSc. Isabel Trujillo-Rocha
Influence of Road Presence in Secondary Forest Regrowth in the Amazon
MSc. Maartje Oostdijk
Assessing the effects of increased summer flooding in an impounded mangrove with the use of remote sensing
Previously supervised Master's theses: Open the link "show all".