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Department of Geography Glaciology and Geomorphodynamics

MSc Theses

If not available below, PDFs of Masters' theses can be found in the library catalogue of the University of Zurich.

Ongoing MSc Theses

Beer, Janosch Philip
Determining the englacial temperature evolution of very small glaciers in the Swiss
Alps: An enthalpy-based modelling approach
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Dr. Mylène Jacquemart
Dr. Matthias Huss
Bissig, Samuel
Hochwasserschutz an der Isleten (UR) für verschiedene Entwicklungsszenarien
Dr. Holger Frey
Herbert Duss
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Campo Jurado, Isabel
Relative importance of climate forcings on glaciers: the Little Ice Age and beyond
Dr. Martin Lüthi
In collaboration with Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETHZ
Dällenbach, Esther
Analysing Rockglacier Ground Surface
Temperatures between 2001 and 2023 in
the Hungerlitelli, Turtmanntal (VS)
Dr. Isabelle Gärtner-Roer
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Kaufmann, Ruben
Der Wandel im Wandel – Eine Beurteilung des Wissenschaftstransfers aktueller Erkenntnisse über den Klimawandel im Geografieunterricht an Schweizer und Liechtensteiner Maturitätsschulen und die generelle Behandlung dieser Problematik.
Dr. Andreas Linsbauer
Dr. Sara Landolt
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Kharlamova, Varvara
Understanding the recent dynamics of glacier lake outburst floods at Baralmos Glacier, Tajikistan
Dr. Evan Miles
Dr. Simon Allen
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Laube, Jonas Felix
Landscape impacts of catastrophic glacier detachments
Mylène Jacquemart
Dr. Evan Miles
Dr. Simon Allen
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Luder, Marius
Wasserbilanz von Karstquellen im Ybrig:

Eine karsthydrologische Untersuchung der Einzugsgebiete und Quellen im Raum Chäseren und deren Wasserbilanz in den letzten 4 Jahren
Dr. Martin Lüthi
Dr. Ilja van Meerveld
Prof. Dr. Jan Seibert
Lüthi, Andreas
Past and future of managed retreat; a global overview
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Dr. Veruska Muccione
Messmer, Jérôme
Towards detection and understanding of
paraglacial landslides in Southern Alaska
using surface velocity data and deep learning
Jane Walden
Prof. Dr. Livia Piermattei
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Saibene, Giulio
Thermal, hydrological and structural processes responsible for seasonal kinematics of Murtèl rock glacier using borehole data
Dr. Isabelle Gärtner-Roer
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Salamin, Antonin Thelonious
Combining methodological approaches and tide gauge observations to study calving patterns in Eqaloutsit Kangillit Sermiat, Greenland
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Armin Dachauer
Andrea Kneib-Walter
Salvi, Mattia
The Griess Glacier (Klausen Pass, UR) and the extraordinary existence
well below the regional equilibrium line altitude.
Dr. Martin Lüthi
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Schön, Martina
The Impacts of Glaciers on Stream Biofilm Biomass – An interdisciplinary Journey into a harsh Ecosystem
Prof. Dr. Michael Zemp
Dr. Michail Styllas
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Steffen, Claudio
Assessing rock glacier destabilization trends in the Turtmann valley
Dr. Isabelle Gärtner-Roer
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Weber, Severin Andreas
Towards a comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change Adaptation Measures in Switzerland
Dr. Veruska Muccione
Dr. Saeid Vaghefi
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel

Completed MSc Theses

Bearth, Tanja
Analysing the Allocation of International
Adaptation Funding in Relation to the Societal Impacts of Climate-Related Hazards PDF
Dr. Simon Allen
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Boomsma, Merit
Integration von digitalen Hilfsmitteln an
ausserschulischen Lernorten: Beispiel einer Geomorphologie-Exkursion in der Region Atzmännig PDF
Dr. Andreas Linsbauer
Monika Kriemler
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Dieth, Ariane
Retreat of the Turtmanngletscher and succession of Larix decidua Mill. since the LIA using geomorphological mapping and dendrochronological analysis PDF
Dr. Isabelle Gärtner-Roer
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Pfranger, Marco
Investigating the Interaction Between Debris Flows and Groundwater and Implications for Debris Flow Erosion PDF
Dr. Brian Mcardell, WSL
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Crivelli, Giona
Seasonal variability of rock glaciers kinematics using GNSS and UAV photogrammetry: four case studies in the Southern Swiss Alps, Canton Ticino. PDF
Dr. Isabelle Gärtner-Roer
Prof. Dr. Cristian Scapozza
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Dukic, Bogdan
Glacier Surface Melt Modelling: Extending an Enhanced Temperature-Index Model to Fit the Surface Melt Under a Geotextile Cover PDF
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Durisch, Flurina
Long-term evolution of different permafrost landforms on the northern slope of Piz Corvatsch, Engadin. PDF
Dr. Isabelle Gärtner-Roer
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Haas, Joshua
Conceptual Development of an Early Warning System for Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in Central Asia: Pilot Site Modelling for Disaster Risk Reduction PDF
Laura Niggli
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Hauser, Andrin Livio
Multi-Method Investigation of the Hydrological and Glaciological System of Griess Glacier on Klausenpass PDF
Dr. Martin Lüthi
Boris Ouvry
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Hautle, Doriano
Glacier dynamics: influence of precursor crevasses and supraglacial lakes on calving at Sermeq Kujalleq in Kangia (Jakobshavn Isbræ), Greenland PDF
Dr. Andrea Kneib-Walter
Dr. Martin Lüthi
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Kubik, Jonas
Developing a Virtual Excursion for University Didactics in the Field of High-Mountain Geomorphology PDF
Dr. Isabelle Gärtner-Roer
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Minsch, Peter
Assessing the performance of adaptation measures in the water sector under changing climatic and socio-economic conditions PDF
Dr. Randy Muñoz Asmat
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Seiler, Leonora
Reconstructing Rockfall Activity from Deposits on the Witenwasserengletscher (UR) and Investigating the Relationship to Climate Factors PDF
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Florian Hardmeier
Stitelmann, Olafur Yngvi
Loss and damage of climate change in tropical glacierized areas: from changes in water availability to GLOFs. PDF
Dr. Randy Muñoz Asmat
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Wyss, Pascal
Downscaling of future meteorology for land-surface modelling in the glacierised Amu Darya headwaters PDF
Stefan Fugger (PhD)
Prof. Dr. Francesca Pellicciotti
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Brüniger, Claudius
Uncertainties in Modelling Glacier Lake Outburst Floods: Sensitivity Analyses of Mass Movements in Northern Kyrgyzstan PDF
Dr. Alessandro Cicoira
Dr. Jessica Munch
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Davidson, Jonathan
Continuous reconstruction of Holocene fluctuations of
Brunnifirn, Swiss Alps: Combining geomorphological
mapping and ice-flow modeling PDF
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Dr. Samuel Nussbaumer
Dobler, Flurina
Managed Retreat & Relocation in Relation to Natural Hazards in Switzerland PDF
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Dr. Samuel Weber
Gloor, Anja
Terrestrial radar signal improvement by correction for atmospheric disturbances PDF
Dr. Martin Lüthi
Dr. Andrea Kneib-Walter
Dr. Daniel Henke
Prof. Dr. Alexander Damm
Könz, Riet Armon
Photogrammetric Analysis of Surge-type Movement on a Small Alpine Glacier PDF
Dr. Martin Lüthi
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Schnyder, Sanne
Limits of adaptation to climate change related risks in the Peruvian Andes
Isabel Hagen
Dr. Randy Muñoz Asmat
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Walker, Céline
Modelling and Constraining Supraglacial Discharge, Channel Incision and Ice Cliff Backwasting on a Debris-Covered Glacier PDF
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Boris Ouvry
Wehrli, David
Gletschertöpfe Gibel: investigation of ice-age glacial potholes PDF
Dr. Martin Lüthi
Lukas Inderbitzin
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Farsky, Simon
What impact do thin debris layer have on ablation for debris covered glaciers? A combined field- modeling study on Zmuttgletscher PDF
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Boris Ouvry
Gerber, Esther
How is the hazard landscape changing in Swiss cities and how do they adapt: The case of Basel PDF
Dr. Veruska Muccione
Dr. Saeid Vaghefi
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Hanselmann, Nicole
Analysis of surface structures and thermal distribution of Grenzgletscher
ablation area with multispectral and thermal imagery PDF
Dr. Martin Lüthi
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Hardmeier, Florian
Modelling climate sensitivity of debris-covered glaciers PDF
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
James Ferguson
Powell, Jessica
Refugee perceptions of the role of climate change in their migrations to Europe PDF
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Schmucki, Gregor Rafael
Photogrammetrical UAV-based Investigation of Torrents PDF
Dr. Perry Bartelt
Dr. Yves Bühler
Christoph Graf
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Stuber, Julian
Opportunities for geomorphological and glaciological research from the Arctic-wide high resolution ArcticDEM PDF
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Prof. Dr. Ross Purves
Weibel, Fabian
Effect of climate change on human health: Case studies from Switzerland PDF
Dr. Veruska Muccione
Dr. Saeid Vaghefi
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Widmer, Valerie
Surges and Glacial Lakes of the Nevado del Plomo Glacier (Argentina):
Historical Events, Present Situation and Potential Future Developments PDF
Dr. Samuel Nussbaumer
Dr. Holger Frey
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Wuhrmann, Luca
Analysis of cold based hanging glaciers using a Lagrangian damage model PDF
Dr. Martin Lüthi
Adrien Wehrlé
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Meier, Selina
Impact of climate change on water availability in Tropical Andean catchments: a case study in the Vilcanota catchment, Peru PDF
Dr. Randy Muñoz Asmat
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Studer, Manuel
Small Scale Investigation of Debris Flow Dynamics in an Arctic Environment:
A Case Study on Disko Island, Greenland PDF
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Dr. Brian McArdell
Walz, Seraina
Distribution of Ice Cliffs on Debris-covered Glaciers in High Mountain Asia PDF
Dr. Francesca Pellicciotti
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Werthmüller, Sandra
The Trouble with Glaciers: A Case Study in the Region of San Juan, Argentina PDF
Dr. Frank Paul
Dr. Muriel Côte
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Brunner, Nina
Gletscher-Blockgletscher Beziehung beim Grubengletscher, Fletschhorngebiet, Wallis PDF
Dr. Isabelle Gärtner-Roer
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Epprecht, Stéphanie
Das Potenzial des Geographieunterrichts zur Biodiversitätsförderung. Eine Fallstudie auf der
Sekundarstufe II. PDF
Dr. Andreas Linsbauer
Dr. Itta Bauer
Rachel Lüthi
Prof. Dr. Norman Backhaus
Gantner, Andreas
Reconstructing the Geodetic Mass Balance of Thompson Glacier,
Axel Heiberg Island, Canada PDF
Prof. Dr. Michael Zemp
Dr. Laura Thomson
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Honegger, Roger
Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Surface Elevation Change at Marine-Terminating Outlet Glacier Eqip Sermia, Western Greenland in Relation to Front Position, Flow Velocity and Climate PDF
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Morard, Sarah
Re-analysis of ice deformation measurements in cold firn on Jungfraujoch PDF
Dr. Martin Lüthi
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
Niggli, Laura
Analysis of climate change adaptation in the department of Cundinamarca (Colombia) based on projected climate change impacts on the department's hydrological resources and agroclimatic potential PDF
Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel
Dr. Veruska Muccione
Thalmann, Michael
The Effect of Cold Ice on the Ablation of the Grenzgletscher PDF
Dr. Martin Lüthi
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vieli
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