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Department of Geography

Grassroots ideas to halt biodiversity loss

The platform «Policy Kitchen» crowd­sources innovative ideas on how to tackle the bio­diversity crisis – and other pressing policy challenges. Selected pro­posals were recently dis­cussed with experts and pro­fessionals from science, govern­ment and NPOs, among them Maria Santos, Professor of Earth System Science at the GIUZ.

Maria Santos reacts to the idea «The Bee Equivalent» by Cornelia Krug

«Policy Kitchen» is a policy innovation platform developed by foraus - Swiss Forum on Foreign Policy. The platform is public and enables a broad range of thinkers from Switzerland and abroad to collaboratively solve pressing policy challenges. The best ideas are developed into high-quality Policy Recipes.

The publication on four innovative proposals on how to better protect biodiversity at the global level is out now. One of these proposal was submitted by Dr. Cornelia Krug who works at the GIUZ as Science Liaison Officer for the URPP «Global Change and Biodiversity». She proposes a «Bee Equivalent» as a headline indicator for biodiversity loss.

Picture: Panelist Prof. Maria Santos reacts to the idea «The Bee Equivalent» by author Dr. Cornelia Krug (Policy Kitchen)

Policy Kitchen - Crowdsourcing Policy Recipes

Biodiversity Challenge completed - publication out now!

Publication: Grassroots ideas to halt biodiversity loss: Addressing an upcoming crisis


Weiterführende Informationen


Prof. Maria J. Santos

Earth System Science, Department of Geography

University of Zurich



Dr. Cornelia Krug

Science Liaison Officer URPP GCB, Department of Geography

University of Zurich

